Effects of Matter
similar to the Jaina view of the generation of sound as a result of the striking of molecules against one another.
Kinds of Sabda (Sound) : According to Jaina metaphysics, there are mainly two kinds of sound, viz. bhāṣātmaka (sound incorporated in languages) and abhāṣātmaka (sound which does not find place in languages)'. The former is sub-divided into two kinds, viz. akṣarātmaka (articulate utterance of speech) and anakṣaratmaka (sound made by creatures or by the Kevalins), while the latter is also of two kinds, viz. prayogika. (sound produced by human beings with the help of musical instruments, i. e. musical sounds) and vaisrasika (natural sounds, such as, the roaring of the thunder or the rippling of water and the noises in generul). The prayogika sabda (artificial or applied sound) is further sub-divided into four kinds, viz. tata (musical sound of table or drum, i. e. a stretched membrance), vitata (musical sound of stringed instruments), ghana (musical sound produced by reed instruments, such as, harmonium, sound from bell) and susira (sound produced from wind instruments, organ pipes or conch)*.
Jain Education International
According to modern accoustics, sound is divided into two classes, viz. musical sounds and noises. Prayogika sabdas of Jaina metaphysics, viz. tata, vitata, ghana and susira correspond to the musical sounds of modern physics, while vaisrasika sabdas (natural sounds), such as, roaring of thunder, etc., include the noises-sounds of modern accoustics. Bhāṣātmaka-sabda (sound incorporated in languages) forms a distinct class-by itself, but it may be placed under the category of the noises of modern accoustics. The subdivisions of musical sound into the vibrations of membranes, strings, rods and plates and air columns of the physical sciences correspond respectively to the 1. Sabdo dvedha bhāṣālakṣaṇaviparitatvät, RV., p. 485. 2. Bhāṣātmaka ubhayathā akṣarīkṛtetaravikalpät, Ibid., p. 485. 3. Abhāṣātmako dvedha prayogavisrasa nimittatvāt, Ibid,, p. 485; Tatra vaisrasiko valāhakādiprabhavaḥ, Ibid. 4. Prayogaścaturdha tatavitataghanasusirabhedāt, RV.,
p. 485.
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