The Concept of Matter in Jaina Philosophy
(dravatva); and law of affinity. 2
Water is possessed of all the qualities of earth-substance except smell with this distinction that its characteristic of natural.3 Of these colour, taste, touch, natural fluidity and viscidity are the specific qualities of water by which it is differentiated from all other elements of Matter. 4
Fire is possessed of all the qualities in common with earth and water except taste, smell and weight due to the negation of which it moves upwards, viz. colour, touch, number, dimension, separateness, conjunction, disjunction, priority, posteriority, fluidity and velocity.5 Colour and touch are only its distinctive characteristics. Its colour is white and illuminating (bhāsvara) and its touch is hot.6 The liquidity in it is not intrinsic, but it is perceived when a strong heat is generated as in the case of all the metals.7 1. Sarpirjatumadhūcchistānāmagnisamyogād-dravatvamad
bhiḥ sāmānyam, VS., II. 1. 6; Trapusssaloharajatasuvarṇānāmagnisamyogād-dravatvamad
bhiḥ sāmānyam, Ibid., II. 1. 7. 2. Bhūyastvād-gandhavattvācca přthivi gandhajñāne
prakrtiḥ, VS., VIII., 2. 5. 3. Rūparasasparśadravatvasnehasamkhyāparimāņaprthaktva
samyogavibhāgaparatvāparatvadravatvasamskāravatyaḥ pūrvavaddesām siddhiḥ, PPBhā., p. 91; Āptvābhisamban
dhādāpaḥ, PPBhā., p. 14. 4. Rūparasasparśavatya’po dravāḥ snigdhāḥ, vs., II, 1. 2. 5. Tejastvābhisambandhat-tejaḥ, PPBhā., p. 15;
Rūpasparsasankhyāparimāṇapsthaktvasamyogavibhāgaparatvāparatvadravatvasaṁskāravat pūrvavadesam siddhih tatra śuklar bhāsvarañca rūpaň uşna eva sparśāḥ,
PPBhā., p. 15. 6. Tejo rūpasparśavat, VS., II. 1. 3 ;
Tatra śuklam bhāsvarañca rūpam uşņa eva sparśaḥ,
PPBhā., p. 15. 7. Vyoma, ( PPBhā. ), pp. 255-60 ; See PPbhā., 25.
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