Properties of Ma'ter
Matter, just as they are found in Jaina Philosophy. “The colour of a material substance is an important physical property and the apparent colour of a substance depends upon its state of subdivision. The colour becomes lighter as large particles are ground up into smaller ones."I “The properties of taste and odour are closely correlated with the chemical nature of substances, and are to be considered as chemical properties."'2 In regard to touch the properties of the material substances like malleability, ductility, hardness, etc., are dealt with in details in the physical science.
Akalarka, Vidyānanda and Siddhasena Ganin give the reasons why have these four basic properties of Matter been placed in the order of touch, taste, smell and colour respectively in the Tattvārthādhigama Sūtra. Touch is prominent (strong) among all the properties of Matter, because the manifestation of touch in the sprsta-grāhr-indiyas (tactile sense-organs) takes place first and it becomes apprehensible to the worldly beings. For this reason touch has been first accepted among the properties of Matter. According to Jaina Metaphysics, eye is aprāpyakārı, i. c. it does not go up to the object; it apprehends its own object from a distance, while the Nyāya Philosophy maintains that eye is prāpyakārı i. e. it reaches the object to apprehend it; the Sāṁkhya says that every sense-organ and mind also go up to the object and then apprehend it.
Although among the worldly beings, indifferent to touch, the manifestation of taste (rasavyāpāra) is sometimes found prominent in the object; nevertheless, on the touch of it, the manifestation of taste takes place. For this reason taste has been placed after touch because the apprehension of taste occurs after that of touch. In air also taste, colour, etc., are accepted to be inherent, hence there is no fallacy. The properties like colour, etc., are inherent in it. Just as the qualities 1. General Chemistry, Pauling, p. 12 2. Ibid., p. 13. 3. Ibid., p. 12.
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