blue colours, otherwise one would attribute qualities (greator small to a quality 'greatness' which goes against the principles that qualities are attributeless”. Greatness and smallness are non-eternal in non-eternal entities; they are eternal in eternal ones i. e. absolute or infinite. The absolute small 'aņu' is spherical in dimension..
The qualities like colour, taste, smell and touch in earthen and other material objects disappear on their destruction. But they are eternal in eternal objects like earth-atoms. Similarly, the inherent qualities are eternal in water-atom, fire-atom and air-atom. Some qualities are subject to chemical action (pākaja)? under the influence of heat in earth and earth-atoms. Different atoms come into conjunction.s In the beginning of creation atoms were set in motion by the unseen force called Adřsta.4 Mind also is atomics in nature according to the Vaišesika Philosophy. It is to be noted that the word 'Anu' denoting atom is used in the Vaisesika and Nyāya Sūtras, while the word Paramānu' (ultimate atom) is come across in the Nyāyavārtika ard later works. Besides, the logic for the existence of aņu (atom) based on the impossibility of limitless division of an object was not yet applied by Kanāda.
In the Nyāya Sūtra and its Bhāsya written by Vātsyāyana, some aspects of the atomic theory are dealt with on the one hand, while it is defended against the objections raised by the 1. VS., VII. 1. 10-20. 2. Uktā gunāḥ, VS., VII. 1. 1;
Pșthivyâdirūparasagandhasparsā dravyānityatvādanityās:a Ibid., VII. 1. 2., Etenanityeşu nityatvamuktam, Ibid., VII. 1. 3; Apsu tejasi vāyau ca nityā dravyanityatvāt, Ibid., VII. 1. 4; Anityeşvanityā dravyanityatvāt, Ibid., VII. 1. 5;
Kāranaguņapūrvakāḥ přthivyām pākajaḥ, Ibid., VII. 1. 6. 3. Anusamyogastvapratisiddhaḥ, VS., IV. ii. 4. 4. Agnerurddhajvalanan vãyostiryakpavanamañūnām
manasaścādyam karmādsstakāritam, VS., V. ii. 13. 5. Tadabhāvādaņu manaḥ, VS., VII. 1. 23.
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