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to relate the Janah with Asuras and Raksaṣas. We, thus, find intimate relationship between the Jana institution and the Asura people. It is true because Jana was the political institution of the Asuras. Asuras were not human being to the Brahmaryans, so were Janas; the Bharatiya people. They identify Janas with Asuras and Jana-republics with Asura political institutions.
The Brahmaryan sage accepts hundred Dāsas from the Dāsa Balbhūta, the cowherd. The word 'Janah,' in this Jana-republic, An context, has wrongly been commented upon Asura Institution by Sayana as 'We'." It should be commen. ted as "Hostile men". The worshipper here is only one and not many. The translation 'associates of Balbhūta are thine, O, Vayu' would give better sense. That man is victorious over Janan whom Maruts defend."" Sāyaṇa translates the word 'Janan' as 'other men'." Indra's help is sought by the Brahmāryans to destroy their adversaries and hostile people, the Janan."4 They were malavolent." The wealth of the Bharatiya people was famous with the Brahmāryans. The devotees pray Indra to give them wondrous wealth as possessed by their adversaries, the Janan.26 Mitra and Varuna are asked to keep back the hostile people (Janan) who check the advance of the Brahmaryan troops." When the Jana forces of the TenRepublics confederation met the Brahmaryan forces in the first battle on the banks of Paruşni; Meruts killed twenty one Jana leaders.28 The word Rājā has till now been wrongly translated as King. It means a leader' as shown later. The Ten-Republics Confederation was composed of Purus, Yadus, Turvasa, Anus, Druhyus, Ajās, Sigrus, Yaksas, Vṛchivants and Matsyas.29 Ajās, Sigrous and Yakṣas under the leadership of Dasa Rājā Bheda fought the last battle of Dasrajña War on the banks of Yamuna.30
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