( 26 ) here refers to people or their republics. Asuras were mighty heroes and great city-builders. Brahmāryan Soma is asked to copy the might and habit of his adversary, the Jana. He is to manifest his might like Jana. He is to enter a cup as a Jana enters a city.18 Indra was not only Vţtrabā but Janabhakşa or devourer of Janas. Janas cannot refer to his own kinsmen but only to his adversaries,14 Rsi Bhardwāja originally belonged to hostile Jana of Indra but he was won over by Indra against his own Janas. He prays Indra to humble that Jana who thought himself as the greatest.16 And the greatest enemy of Indra was Vợtra. Soma has been compared to a Rajasthani Jana. As water revives a Jana in desert-Waste ; similarly Soma increased Indra. This Ķc preserves the reminiscences of these Brahmāryans, who lived on the banks of the Saraswati river near about the desert-Waste Rangmahal area in Ganganagar District of Rajasthan State where sand-dunes are very prominent. Saraswati water gave life and health to the Rajasthani Janas who were later conquered by the Brahmāryan forces. This also indicates that this part of Rajasthan had a republican system. Soma, invigorating Indra and through him, drove off the Janam who loved not the Brahmāryan Devas,17 The Brahmāryans called those persons Dasyus who worshipped not the gods. They were followers of other rites, did not offer sacrifices, were non-believers in Brahma and were avratās and anyavratās,18 The Brahmäryans were not satisfied by denouncing and reviling their Bhārtīyan adversaries only to this extent. They called them non-men. It is a bit concession given by Sāyaṇa to the converted Bhāratīyans that he commented the word 'Amānuşa' as enemy of mankind, i. e. the Asuras and the Rakšaşas. 30 But this is a travesty of truth. In the word Āmanuşa, the prefix 'a' denotes negative sense. Even Sāyaṇa is compelled
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