1000 B.C. The Brahmāryans had 150 years to ritualise their institutions which they have depicted in Rgveda. The constitution of the Brahmāryans had changed now. In their society were absorbed many Bhārtīyan elements. Many convert Bhārtīyans became Rgvedic Rşis. It was a mixed society composed of the coalescing elements of the victors and the vanquisheds who accepted the hegemony of the victors' way with mutually accepted changes. Ķgveda faithfully depicts the Aryan institutions in this ritualised form.
Ritualisation went still further in Atharyanic times. Tenth Mandala of Rgveda is a later addition to it. Its theme is Atharvanic, hence it appears to have been included in the ancient collections of Rgveda when Atharvaveda was redacted. Atharvaveda is the final product of a redactorial activity much later than that of Rgveda. Sāmaveda and Yajurveda were redacted earlier than Atharvayeda. Atharvanic theme finds echo in Satapatha and Aitareya Brāhmaṇas. It is probable that Atharvaveda was redacted in the later part of the Ninth or earlier part of the Eighth Century B. C.
If we minutely screen the Vedic hymns and thereby are able to remove the gloss wrapped over real events; we Method of may discover the truth. Apart from the
Analysis accepted facts of Aryan history; the Āryan way itself would help us in sifting the corn from the chaff. This method of Analysis may help us in rightly interpreting Rgveda and the later Vedic Literature.
Take the beginning Ķc of the Rgveda.18 H. H. Wilson, following Sāyaṇa, translates it thus, “I glorify Agni, the
high priest of the sacrifice, the ministrant, Purohita
who presents the oblation (to the gods), and is the possessor of great wealth”. Agni is Purohita of the Yajña, the Deva, the Rtvij and possessor of great wealth.
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