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to phenomena of Nature. The Greekāryans also followed the same path. Gods and men lived together in the past. Gods had aspirations and sentiments just like human beings. Homer and Hesiod celestialised them and made them heavenly gods and their human activities were transferred to their heavenly activities interpreted as phenomena of nature. This Aryan process in two lands, so widely apart, reveals the basic pattern of the Aryan society and their adversaries' Śramaņic Society which similarly reacted in both lands upon the violent intruding cultures. The Greek and Brahma Rșis became great taskmaster in the art of Mythology. The science of Mythology or Comparative Mythology was born much later and was the product of intellectual master-minds to whom history or pre-history did not exist. Myth is the hybrid child of the retracing materialism and the perverted spiritualism. Myth may be defined as the 'Description of human activities in a celestialised form.'11
The spiritual reaction that began to set in the Āryan thinking did not stop at that in Bhārata. It completely
stopped at mytholisation stage in Greece. Ritualisation of Brahmāryan The Greeks kept alive their social organiInstitutions
sations of genos, phratries and tribes in their original form ; though changed in the circumstances wrought by time and space. The Brahmāryans adopted a different course. They did not further keep their social institutions in the original form as they were felt burdensome and retardative under the new set of circumstances. So the Brahmāryans decided to change their social institutions of Gana, Yajña and Brahma and related them to their heavenly gods. The Greeks did not do that. This process led to the Ritualisation of the Institutions of Gana, Yajña and Brahma. in Bhārata.
The Ritualisation Age of the Brahmāryan institutions began after the Dasrājsa War. Rgveda was redacted in Circa
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