b. This is also true when the attribute 'being existent' concerns Mahavira himself or his teaching.
Again Abhay. is puzzled. The underlying principle probably is that of the immutable nature of Mv.'s person and maybe of his teaching. ettham and iha here represent the paryayas mentioned above. Should we perhaps, in connection with gamanijja, think of gama 'identical sequel (of the wording of a text)'?
5 (56b) The binding of kankhā-mohanijja kamma is the result of a series of causes gradually developing one from another: inattention < activity < will < body < soul. Stress is laid on the fact that one of these is will (vīriya): will exists (atthi ...).
kim-pavaha asks for the preceding stage. The pāțhântara kim-prabhava goes back to kim-pahava.--Here already viriya elicits the famous solemn series utthāna kamma bala viriya purisakkara parakkama; Abhay. says that it is mentioned here 'occasionally' (prasangatas) probably because he is aware of the fact that it will appear in its proper context only in
6 (56b) Of one's own accord one makes [karman] effective (udīrei) and one repents (garahai), checks (samvarai), suppresses (uvasāmei), experiences (veei) and annihilates (nijjarei) it by an effort of one's own will (vīriya).
The fragment deals with karman in general, not only with kankhamohanijja-kamma as Abhay. says in his introduction.-garahai: 'repents [karman already bound]', samvarai : 'wards off (future karman)'.
7 (59b) Kankhă-mohanijja-kamma is perceived by HAMG; A1-4 perceive it unconsciously. 3-6 are repeated.
8 (60a) Jaina monks (samana niggantha), as a result of the causes mentioned in 2 above, experience it as deviations from [the right] knowledge (nān'antara) etc. Again 3-6 are repeated. * *
The repetitions in ' and 8 are an artificial way to integrate the rather disparate paragraphs of the udd. ---According to Abhay. the word niggantha is used to differentiate the Jaina sādhu from other sramanas,
1 (62b) The kinds of karman (pagadi), ref. to Pannav. 23,1:453a (starting with the gāhā quoted here)-459a.
2 (63b) The confusing (mohanijja) kind of karman and its
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