XX 5
? (787a) Considered from the points of view [1] matter, [2] place, [3] time and [4] condition the atom (davva- ... paramânu) [1] is uncleavable, unbreakable, incombustible and intangible (acchejja abhejja adajjha agejjha), [2] has neither halves nor a middle nor units nor parts (anaddha amajjha apaesa avibhāima), [3] is timeless (see comm.) and [4] possesses colour (is vannamanta) etc. * *
Abhay. takes añaddha in the sense of 'timeless' (samaya-samkhyā'vayavâbhavāt) although the term is used in connection with khetta and consequently means anardha. Obviously the text is spoiled where it says that from the point of view of time the atom is avanna agandha etc.; probably this should be anaddha (= anadhva) asamaya.
a (789a) If an earth-soul living between (antarā samohae samohaạittā) the two hells Rayaņappabhā and Sakkarappabhā must embody itself anew in Sohamma heaven, it first transports itself (uvavajjejjā) to its new place of origin and then starts attracting matter (āhārejjā) or vice versa; ref. to XVII 6, specifying that that text has sampāunejjā instead of āhārejjā.-The same with earth-souls living between other hells and going to other heavens, or living between two heavens and going to some hell.
(789b) The same with water-souls. © (790a) The same with wind-souls. **
(790b) The binding (b and ha) [of karman] is threefold: effected by the exertion of the soul (jīva-ppaoga-b.), immediate (anantara-b.) and mediate (parampara-b.). This is true for all HAMG. This is demonstrated for the binding of the eight kinds of karman and their realization (udaya), as well as for the binding of sexes (veya), bodies, instincts (sannā), lessās, kinds of belief (dițțhi) and kinds of knowledge and non-knowledge. * *
anantara- resp. parampara-bandha : yeşām pudgalānām baddhānām satām anantaraḥ samayo vartate teşām anantara-bandha ucyate, yeşām tu baddhānām dvitiy'ādih samayo vartate teşām parampara-bandha iti, Abhay.
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