visabhāgapariksaya, 303. višesa (particular), 164. visuddhi (purification), 270n. viśvåtmaka (immanent), 142. viśvottirna (transcendent), 142. vitarka, defined 291. viveka (discrimination), 97 vivekaja-jñāna, xviii, xxi. vivekākhyāti, 98. vivekakhyāti (realization of differ
ence), 99. vytti (modification or function), 87. vyttisamkşaya (a stage of yoga), 297,
300. vyañjana, defined 36. vyañjanāksara, 49. vyañjanāvagraha (contact-awareness).
35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 45n, vyavacchinnakriyā pratipātin, describ
ed 292. vyavadāna (freedom from afflictions),
132, 133 vyavahāra-naya (empirical stand
point), 80. vyutsarga (renunciation), 265.
yajña (sacrifice), 220. vama (vows), 301. vātāyāta (scattered-cum-collected),
290. yathākhyāta (perfect), 264. yathapravittakarana, xxi, nature and
function of 269-72, 275, 302. yoga (self-concentration), III, 144,
153, 248, general meaning 262, evolution of its meaning 262n, function of 282, Hemacandra's conception of 289, object and pur
pose of 297 yoga (activity; vibration), 147, 153,
222, 232, 235, 238, 239, 243, 252, defined 252n, 254, defined 254n,
255, 266, 267, 274. yagabija, 302. yogadysti, 301. yogaja-pratyaksa (transcendental per
ception), 32. yoga-sarnyāsa, 300. yogāvacara (practitioner in vogu),
248. yogin, described 286. yogi-pratyaksa, Iton.
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