mahāvrata (great vows), 265. Maheśvara (Great Lord), 115. Mahesvara, nature of 137. mai (mati, sensuous cognition). 32. maitri (friendship), 17, 266, 285,
290. mala (taint or contamination), xix,
nature of 138, 139, 140, 141,
142, 143, 216. mala-pāśa, nature of 138, 140. māna (pride), 234 inanah paryava, 65n. manah paryaya, seemanah paryāya.
jñāna. manahparyaya-jñāna, 65, 65n. manah paryāya-jñana (intuition of
mental modes), 28, 29, 30, 61, 65, 66, 66, 67, 670, 68, 69, 69, 71,
75, 77. mana pajjavanāna, 65. manas (mind), 31, 32, 35, 62n, 65,
67, 119, 222. manodravya (matter constituting
mind), 69. manogupli (control of thought), 265. mano-samphassa (mind-contact), 12. mano-varganā, 65. märganatā (searching), 40. mati, see matijñāna. mati-ajñāna, 71, 147, 149. matijñāna (sensuous knowledge), 28,
29, 30, 3on, 32, defined and classified 33, subdivisions of 34, total number of types of 44, 45, 48, 50, 510, 53, 55, its relation with Śrutajñāna 55-6, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 77,
147, 148, 149, 258. matyajñāna, see mati-ajñāna. matyupayoga, 55. māyā, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 130, 170,
172, 217, 221, 224. māyā (impure matter), 137, nature
of 139, 140, 218. -kañcukas, xx,
xxiii. mäyä (deceit), 234. māyāhastin (elephant called up by
illusion), 130. māyāpāśa, xxi, nature of 139. mäyāvat, 115. māyin, 115 māyāya-mala, 142, origin, nature
and function of 143, 216. medhā (retentiveness), 34. medhā (gradual awareness), 35. mimārisă (critical evaluation), 297,
301. mithyă (vitiated; perverted), 147,
151. mithyābhinivesa (perverted predilec
tion), 155. . mithya-caritra (perverse conduct),
147, 151, 153, 155, 161, 219. mithya-darśana (perverse attitude),
144, categories of 145, 147, 151,
155, 161, 218. mithyādesti (a person of perverted
attitude; wrong view), 28, 51, 54,
144, 256. mithyadysti (first gunasthāna), des
cribed 276. mithya-jñana (perverted knowledge;
wrong assessment of values; delusion; nescience; wrong cognition), 83, IOI, 102, defined 103, 107, 121, 147, 151, 153, 155, 161, 162,
166, 219. mithya-Śyuta, 50. mithya-śruta (false scripture), 51. mithyātva (wrongness), 50. mithyātva (perverted attitude; per
versity; predilection for the untruth), 80, 83. 144, 145, 146, 168n, 218, 219, 239, 241, 256n, 269,
274. mithyātva (vision-deluding) karman,
145, 146, 239, 256, 270n. mithyåtvamohaniya karman, 272. mithyātva-pudgala, 256n. mithyātva-vedaniya, 233. mitrā (first dysti), 300, described
301-2. moha (delusion ; false belief), 16, 18,
83, 93, eightfold 94, IOI, 103, 127,
128, 144, 145, 166, 167, 168, 247. mohaniya (deluding) karman, 69,
150, 168, 168n, 232, 239. moksa (emancipation), 6, 85, III,
133. mudită, 17. muhurta (forty-eight minutes), 40,
4on, 69, 236. mukhya-pratyaksa (transcendental
direct knowledge), 34. mukti (emancipation), 133. mundakevalin, 299. mutta (emancipated), 145. naisargika (inborn) mithyādarśana,
defined 145. näma (consciousness; mind), 25, 126,
127, 222, 224, 230. näma (name), 125, 126. näma(body-making)-karman, 233, sub
types of 234, 279. nauya (neologician), 61. naya (different attitudes), 29. neva saññā näsañña, 248. nibbana (emancipation), 248, 49. nidhatti, defined 254, 258, 258n, de
fined 259. nidră (sleep with easy awakening), nidră-nidrā (sleep with difficult
awakening), 233 nigodu, xxi, 240. nikācană, defined 254, 258, 258n,
defined 259. nikācita (unalterable on account of
the process of nikācană), 260. nirakşara, 58.
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