caritramoha (character-deluding) kar.
man, 246, 256. caritramohaniya (what deludes the
right conduct) karman, 233, 252,
275. See also caritramoha-karman. catuhsthānika, 236, defined 237. câtummahārājika, 249. cetana (willing), 247 chadmastha (a being involved in the
world), 54, 74, 740, 75, 282n. chedopasthā pana (re-initiation), 264. cintā (thought), 32. cintă (discursive thought), 34, 40. cinta prabandha (thought stream).
284n. citi (consciousness), 159. citta (consciousness), 201. citta-caitasika (pure consciousness
and its concomitant associates),
I31. cuti (passing away), 250. darśana (intuition), 37, 69, problem
of the relation of jñana and 70-80, it is introvert 73, problem of its relation with paśyatta 74, 148,
239. darśana (attitude ; predilection for
truth; vision), 147, meaning of
148, 149, 151, 153. darśanamoha (delusion of attitude or
vision), 83. 144. darśanamoha (attitude-deluding or
belief-deluding) karman, 149, 233,
246, 256. darśanamohaniya, see darśanamoha. darśanāvarana (intuition-covering)
karman, 71, 76, 78, 144, 150, 232. deśaghātin (partially obscuring) karman, 239, 240, 241. —spardhaka,
258. deśanā (instruction)., 270n. deśavirata-samyagdrsti (fifth guna
sthāna), 277. deśavirati-caritra (capacity for par
tial renunciation), 241. dhomma. TO. 15, 17, 20, 127. dhärana (holding). 42. dhāraņā (concentration), 287, 290,
301. dhārană (retention). 38, 41, Syno
nyms and definition of 42. meaning of 43, various definitions of
43, 44, 46, 148. dharma (religion ; what leads to pros
perity and emancipation; religious merit; moral virtues), 47, 93, 100, roon, TOI, as defined in the Vaišesika school 108. its different senses quà cause and effect 109, III, II2, pravartaka (creative) and nivartaka (emancipative) 112n,
139, 144, 152, tenfold 263 264. dharma (thing : element of existence),
133, 134, 136. dharma (adjunct). 163.
dharma (substance that helps motion;
medium of motion), 64. dharmadhatu (totality of all things ;
unity of all), 134, 135. dharma-dhyāna, defined and describ
ed 283-91. dharmakaya, 135. dharmamegha, 296. dharma-nairātmya (unsubstantiality
of things), 134. dharma-samnyåsa, 300. dharmin (substantive), 163. dharmya, 2831, 284n, 290. dhruvadhvan, 303 dhyāna (concentration), 265, 267,
doctrine of 281-93, 281n, defined 282, function of dhyāna in the case of the omniscient 282n, categories of 283, 283n, Subhacandra's classification of 288, different functions of 291, a stage of yoga 297, 299,
301 diksă (initiation), xxiii, 140, sādhi
karana and niradhikarana 141,
function of 141, 143. dipra (fourth dysti), 300, described
302. dirghakaliki (lasting for a long time),
50, 53. ditthadhammavedaniya, type of kar.
man 250, 251. dosa (aversion , hatred), 16, 247. dosa (defect), TOI, 102, 107, 154,
167, 227. drastā (witness), 84. dravya (substance), 164. drav ya-karman, 227. dravya-mati, 58. dravya-śruta, 52, 58. dravyendriya, 52n. dostajanma-vedaniya, 244, 251. dysti (faith), 54. dysti (love of truth), 300, meaning
of 301, eight drstis described 301
dystivāda-sarjñā, 55. See dystivādo
padeśiki. dụstivādopadeśiki (backed by scrip
tural knowledge), 50, defined 54. drśya (objective world; external
object), 84, 129. duhkha (suffering or pain), 102, 107.
154, 162, 164. duḥkhānta (cessation of pain), 296. dukkha (sorrow), II, 16, 248. dukkhanirodha (cessation of sorrow),
16. dukkha-nirodha-gamini patipadā
(path leading to the cessation of
sorrow). 16. dukkha-samudaya (causal chain of
sorrow). 16. dvaita (dual ; duality), 118, 119. dveşa (aversion), 89, 90, 93, 94, TOI,
269. dvi-sthānika, 236, defined 237.
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