. 65.
adveşa (freedom from prejudice),
297, 301. āgama (scriptural knowledge), 30. agamika (opposite of gamika), 53. aghāti-(non-obscuring)-karman, XX,
239, 242. agneyi dhārană, described 288. ahankara (ego; egoism), 94, 103, ahantā (subjectivity), 142. āhāraka, 65 ahetuka (conditionless; not rooted in
tendencies), 247, 249. ahimsā (non-injury ; non-violence),
18, 21, 243, 265. ahosikain ma, 250, 251. aišvarya (supernormal powers), 93,
roon. aja (unborn), 118. ajāta (unborn), 118. ajiva (non-soul), 144. ajñā (revelation), 283. ajñāna (wrong knowledge; ignorance;
nescience; wrong cognition), 28, 41, 5in, 83, 93, 1oon, 130, 145, 147, 152, 155, 158, 164, 165, 166, 167, mithyādarśana defined 145,
paurusa and bauddha 143. ajñānin (agnostic), 145. akalpaka (pure), 119. ākiñcañña (nothingness), 248. akiriyam (non-actionism), 24. akrivāvādin (non-believer in moral
and spiritual action), 145. aksara (alphabet), 48, 49n. aksara (the immutable), 115. aksarasyuta, 49. akusala (bad ; immoral), 247.
--vipāka, 249, 250. alambana (conditions), 283. alambana (concentration on the
image of a tirthankara in full
glory), 293, 294. alayavijñāna (all-conserving mind),
135, 136. alesya (free from coloration), 253. alobha (absence of greed), 16, 247 alocana (intuition), 35. alocana (intuitional cognition), 38. amagga (wrong path), 144. amnāya (scripture), 108, 109. amoha (absence of delusion), 16, 247, amytåtman, 296. amurta (formless), 226. amutta (unemancipated), 145. anābhigrahika (indiscriminate) in
thyādarśana, defined 1915. anabhigyhita (lightly held) mithya
darśana, defined 145. anabhisandhija (involuntary) energy, anābhoga (involuntary) mithyādar
sana, defined 145. anadhyavasāya indecision), IIO. anädika (having no beginning), 51. anā gamin, 249. anāgāmipadāvaha, 303.
anaisvarya (opposite of aišvarya),
93, roon. anákāra (indeterminate), 70, 71. anaksara (opposite of akşara)49,
49n. anaksara (bereft of words), 58. anālambana, 293, defined 294-5. anantākāsa (infinity of space), 248. anuntänubandhin (what leads to
'endless' worldly existence; "lifelong'), 234, illustrated 234n, 237,
238, 239, 274. ananta-viññāna (infinity of conscious
ness), 248. ānā pāna (respiration), 65. --vargana, anattă (not-self), II, substanceless
248. änava-mala, xix, xxii, definition of
138, origin, nature and function of
142, origin of the twofold 143, 216. andhatāmisra, 93, eighteenfold 94. anekānta (non-absolutism), 22. angabāhya (other than the original
scripture), 48, 53. anga pravista (included in the original
scripture), 48, 53. anicca (impermanent), II, 248. anindriya (quasi-sense), 31, 33n. anivartikarana, 271. anivetti-bädara-samparāya (ninth
gunasthäna), described 278. anivettikarana, 271, function of 272,
273, 274, 275. aniyata-vipäka (with uncertain frui
tion), 260. annānam (agnosticism). 25. annāniya (agnostics), 24. antaḥ karana (mind), 122. antara karana, 272, 273. antarātman (inside self; interior self).
114, 281. antarāya (obstructive) karman, 69,
150, 233, 279. antarmuhurta (period of time which
is less than forty-eight minutes).
271. antarmukha (introvert). 73. anu (atomic). 138. anubhāga (intensity of fruition), 235,
236. 257 anubhāga-bandha (bondage of inten
sity), 1687, 238. anubhāva, 235n. anugraha-śakti (Grace), xxii, 140. anumāna (inferential knowledge). 30,
34, 67 anu preksā (contemplation; reflection),
twelvefold 263, 264, 282, 283,
290n, 293 anuvrata (small vow), 265. anyamud, 296, 301. anyathākhyāti, the doctrine of 95,
Vijñānabhikṣu's distinction between the Yoga and the Vaiseşika anyathākhyāti 95, Yoga and Vaise
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