Studies ÎN THE BHAGAWATI SŪTRA [Ch. II unfolds itself in response to a shower of rain ; thus she gazed at the Master without averting her eyes.?
In one passage the author presents a specimen of pathos of human heart by expressing sorrow of the mother of Jamālī caused by the thoughts of the pangs of his separation with a brilliant touch of the style of climax and anticlimax, when the prince requested for the permission of his parents to undertake the state of houselessness. Having heard the undesirable, unpleasing and hitherto unheard words of her son that he desired to take to asceticism, she began to perspire (svedāgatā), became pale, swooned and at once fell down on the floor."
Then she was quickly brought to consciousness by her female attendants, having sprinkled pure cold water on her face and fanned her body with a palm-leaf fan. Thus being consoled by them, she, crying and lamenting told Jamāli “You are son, our only one son, etc."
Here the aim of the author is to rouse emotions which are not at present in the readers' minds by the art of his style. Humour :
In the nature of the subject-matter of the Bhs, dealing with the serious problems of religion and philosophy, the use of humour is not expected. Nevertheless, this sentiment is not totally absent, as it is evidenced in the following passage.
At the Dütipalāśaka Caitya Somila, a proud Brāhmaṇa of Vānijyagrāma asked Lord Mahāvira an ambiguous question whether 'Kulatthas' are eatable or uneatable to the Sramana. Nirgrunthas. The Master replied that there were two kinds of Kulatthas, viz. Stri-lculatthas and Dhanya-kulatthas (pulses, etc.). The Stri-kulatthas are of three classes, viz. Kulakanyakā (familydaughters), Kulabad hús (family-daughters in-law) and Kulamātā: (family-mothers) ; they are unfit for food of the SramanaNirgranthus ; while the Dhānyakulatthas (pulses) may be taken by them on certain conditions.
? 16, 9, 33, 382.
16, 9, 33, 384.
16, 18, 10, 647.
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