[Ch. II
of king Udāyana of Sindhu-Sauvīra to the Master, one with the account of the leaving of his son, Abhijit Kumāra for Campā and his political refuge in the court of king Kūņika, eighteen Sitras of the 15th Sataka with the accounts of the life and teachings of Gośāla Mankhaliputra, his spiritual duel with Lord Mahāvīra, his defeat and death in Srāvasti, one with that of the suffering of the Master from bilious fever in Mendhikagrama and his cure, three with the questions of Mākandikaputra to Lord Mahāvīra on the topic of bondage, etc., one with the questions of other Tirthikas to Madruka of Rājagrha a disciple of the Master on the doctrine of Astikāya, one with the dispute between other Tirthikas of Rājagļha and Gautama Indrabhūti over the question of observance of religious vows and rules and two with the questions of Somila, a proud Brahmana of Vānijyagrāma to Lord Mahāvīra on religious and philosophical problems. The remaining Sūtras of this cano. nical work treat of the questions raised by Gautama Indrabhūti. the first disciple of the Master on various subjects.
THIRD SECTION Language of the BhS :
Language of the Bhs, is called Arddha-Māgadhi which is stated to be the language of the gods and human beings in this canonical work.
Lord Mahāvira preached his doctrines of religion and philosophy to the people in this language, as it is clearly mentioned in the Samavāyānga Sutra, so that the common men could
follow the message of his holy teachings without any difficulty. . Bhagavam ca nam Addha-Māgahie Bhāsāe dhammamāikkhai."
The evidence of the Samavāyānga Sūtra is also corroborated by the Aupapātika Sūtra in which it is stated that the Master spoke to king Kūņika in this language.
1 Bhs, 5. 4. 191. ? Samavāyanga p. 60.
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