Sec. III]
ethics of Janism as embodied herein is based on the SaptabhangiNaya of Syādvād theory.
The Bhsi makes a great contribution to the doctrine of Karma from different aspects, as it is inter-related with ethics. It throws light upon the principle of causation by explaining the operation of cause and effect in relation to soul from the positive and negative points of view.
The doctrine of Karma as advocated herein is not action but an aggregate of very fine imperceptible particles of matter which, entering into the soul through the actions of mind, speech and body covers its inner faculties and produces certain conditions in it.
This canonical work gives an exposition of the fundamental laws of Life and Nature by explaining the theory of Karma from various aspects, such as, its division, nature, states of soul (bhāva), faculty of soul (lubdhi), expansion of soul (samudghāta), states and processes of karma-karana (process of energy of soul), influx of karma, (āárava), bondage by karma, stoppage of influx of karma (sarirvara), dissociation of karma (nirjarā), a side light on the stages of spiritual development (gunasthānas) and liberation (Moksa).
The greatest value of the Bhs as literary, historical and philosophical treatise lies in the fact that the daring flight of human imagination in the absence of critical verifying data in its period is the most thought-provoking anl wisdom-evoking. The truth of Life and Nature has amply and brilliantly been expressed in the speculative daring, not sacrificing the logical aspect of knowledge in the thoughts, evolved by the rational ideas of Lord Mahāvīra to Philosophy. It reveals that the evolution is a part of the whole evolution in the Universe,
1 Vide, Ch, X, Sec. 6,
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