Sec. I]
In the agreement with the Upanga, Au papātika Sutra the BIS treats of the sermons of Lord Mahāvīra on the Law in general, the successive rebirths and conditions of liberation and deals like the Rājapraśniya Sūtrawith the question of reincarnation of soul and enumerates and classifies the different species of animated beings at the same time.
The BhS, makes discussion on the globe,' as it is treated in the Jivābhigama Sutra and deals with the repatriation of living beings, and ethnographic sketch according to which men are classified into two categories-Aryans and non-Aryans as mentioned in the Prajñāpanā Sitra.
It gives an exposition of Jaina Astronomy? in brief like the Siriyapannatti and the Cari lapannatti.
The Bhs describes the Jambūdvi pa island inhabited by men, as it is dealt with in the Jambuddiva Pannatti and it contains some legends about the next world-destiny of soldiers fallen in the battles called Mahāśilakantka Sangrāma and Rathamusala Sangrāma.9 as such similar topics are found in the Nirayāvaliyā Sutta and the remaining Upāngas.
In agreement with the ten Prakīrnakas the Bhslo treats of the subjects on moral discipline, ritual and mythologyll in brief and like the Causarana (Catuḥsaraņa) deals with some rules and discipline, observances most essential for adopting a life devoid of sin, confession, pratyākhyāna, religious disciplinel, worship of Tīrhankaras and paying homage to their virtuels in short in its stray references.
1 Vide infra Ch. X, Sec. VI.
? BhS, 12, 7, 458. # Vide infra Ch. VI, Sec. III on Biology. 4 Vide infra Ch. IX, Sec. 1 and 2 on Cosmology and Cosmography.
5 Bhs, 12-7-458. 8 Though they are not specifically classified, the clans--
U gras, Bhogas, etc. were Aryans, where as, the Kirātas, Barbaras etc. were non-Aryans. (BhS, 9, 33, 380, 383.
Vide infra Ch. VIII. Sec. 3 & 4 on class and tribes. 7 Vide infra Ch. VI, Sec. 4 8 Vide infra Ch. IX Sec. 2 on Cosmography. 9 Bhs, 7, 9, 300-303. 10 Vide infra ch. VII, Séc. 2 & 3 11 BAS 5, 8, 203; 11,
11,431. ; 18, 2,618. 12 Vide infra Ch. VII. Sec. 2 & 3 13 Bhs, 1, 1, 5,
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