सम्प्रत्यसङ्कुचितपुष्कल शक्त्तिचक्रपौढप्रकाश रभसाऽपितसुप्रभातम् । सम्भाव्यते सहजनिर्मलचिद्विलासेनराजयन्निव महस्तव विश्वमेतत् ॥२२॥
sampraty asankucitapuşkalaśakticakra
prauḍhaprakasarabhasa' rpitasuprabhātam | sambhavyate sahajanirmalacidvilāsair
nirajayann iva mahas tava viśvam etat ||22||
radiance of your knowledge is now free from all limitations; it resembles an auspicious dawn, bursting forth with infinite power of illumination. Its innate, shining nature (is so brilliant that it) seems to be performing the ceremony of waving lights for the entire world. (22) [47]
fagreĤzangìurfacefu: quæamacasifaftogeifu: 1 उन्मीलितप्रसभमीलित कातराक्षाः प्रत्यक्षमेव हि महस्तव तर्कयामः ॥२३॥
cidbharabhairavamahobharanirbharābhiḥ |
sumbhatsvabhavarasavicibhir uddhurabhiḥ |
unmilitaprasabhamîlitakātarākṣāḥ |
pratyakşam eva hi mahas tava tarkayamaḥ ||23||
We believe that the radiance of your knowledge must be rising before us, for our open eyes are being closed (i. e. blinded) by the dazzling, shining, towering waves of that innate happiness which belongs to your pure and infinite consciousness. (23) [48]
विश्वक भोक्तरि विभो भगवत्यनन्ते नित्योदितैकमहिमन्युदिते त्वयीति । एकैकमर्थमवलम्ब्य 1 किलोपभोग्यमद्याप्युपप्लवधियः कथमुत्प्लवन्ते ? ॥२४॥
visvaik abhoktari vibhau bhagavaty anante
Jain Education International
nityoditaikamahimany udite tvayîti |
ekaikam artham avalambya 'kilopabhogyam
adyapy upaplavadhiyaḥ katham utplavante ||24||
You are the sole knower of the whole world, omnipresent (through thisknowing), bountiful, infinite, and eternally perfect. One wonders why, when you are present, these men whose intelligence is afflicted (with false views), (i.e.) who have resorted to only one aspect of the object or another, depending on their predilection, (continue to) assert themselves (i.e. continue to pursue their false goals and expound their foolish views). (24) [49]
1. जिन - पाठांतर
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