kim idam udayaty ānandoghair manāmsi vighūrņayat
sahajam anisam jñānaiśvaryam camatkrtikāritaih/ prasabhavilasad vîryārambhapragalbhagabhirayā
tulayati drsā viśvam viśvam yad ity avahelayā //3//
This wealth of innate knowledge shakes the mind with a stream of wondrously produced bliss. That knowledge contemptuously takes the measure of the entire universe, (cognizing it) with profound vision, resolutely manifesting the energy and activity by which it has reached the heights. (3) [553]
ललितललितरात्मन्यासैः समग्रमिदं जगत् त्रिसमयलसद्भावव्याप्त समं ज्वलयनयम् । तदुपधिनिभाद् वैचित्र्येण प्रपञ्च्य चिदेकतां ज्वलसि भगवनेकान्तेन प्रसह्य
faferra: 11 811
lalitalalitair ātman yāsaiḥ samagram idam jagat
trisamayalasadbhāvavyāptam samam jvalayannn ayam/ tadupadhinibhād vaicitryeņa prapancya cidekatām
jvalasi bhagvann ekāntena prasahya nirindhanah 1141/
With the extremely beautiful placement (of your "steps") you simultaneously illuminate the entire universe, which encompasses existence in all three times. You shine forth absolutely alone, spreading your unified consciousness into the variegated forms that derive from the shapes of the objects. (4) [554]
समपतितया स्फीतस्फीतोद्विलासलसदृशा स्वरसकुसुमं विश्वं विश्वात्तवेश! विचिन्वतः । किमपि परतो नान्तस्तत्त्वग्रहं प्रतिपद्यते विकसति परं भिन्नाभिन्ना दृगेव समन्ततः ॥५॥
şamapatitayā sphitasphîtodvilāsalasaddršā
svaraspakusumam viśvam viśvāt taveśa vicinvatah kim api parato nāntas tattvagraham pratipadyate
vikasati param bhinnābhinnā dřg eva samantataḥ 115||
O Lord : Out of this entire world, you seek out and pick the flower of your own complete essence (i.e. you focus only on your self; you do this) by means of your intuition (darśana], which falls equally upon all (objects) and which is brilliant, lovely, and pure. Your intuition does not grasp the inner reality by means of (cognizing) external objects (reflected in knowledge; rather, it cognizes the soul directly). And this intution is manifest on all sides, being both distinct and non-distinct from you (i.e. it can be seen either as one of your qualities or as occupying the same space-points as does your soul). (5) [555]
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