[हरिणी छन्दः ]
जयति परमं ज्योतिजैनं कषायमहाग्रहग्राहविरहिताकम्पोद्योतं दिवानिशमुल्लसत् । ज्वलति परितो यस्मिन भावा वहन्ति तदात्मतां हुतवहहठाखण्डग्रासीकृतेन्धनवत्
समम् ॥१॥ jayati paramam jyotir jaitram kaṣāyamahāgraha
grähavirahitākampodyotam divāniśam ullasat / jvalati parito yasmin bhāvā vahanti tadātmatām
hutavahahashākhaņdagrăsīkstendhanavat samam ||1// The perfect light (of your omniscience), the "conqueror”, is victorious (i.e. having destroyed the karmas, it is eternally present). It shines day and night with unshakeable splendour, for it is freed from the grasp of the "great enemies", (i.e.) the passions. Because that (omniscience) shines on every side, the existents come all at once to be identical with it (through internalization), like firewood which has been consumed on all sides by the powerful impact of a fire. (1) [551]
त्वमसि भगवनू ! विश्वव्यापिप्रगल्भचिदुद्गमो मृदुरसदृशप्रज्ञोन्मेषः स्खलद्भिरयं जनः । तदलमफलाक्यक्रीडाविकारविडम्बनैः कतिपयपदन्यासैराशु त्वयोश! विशाम्यम् ॥२॥
tvam asi bhagavan visvavyāpipragalbhacidudgamo
mrdur asadrśaprajñonmeşaih skhaladbhir ayam janaḥ / tad alam aphalair vāk yakridāvikāravidambanaiḥ
katipayapadanyāsair āsu tvayasa visāmy ayam ||2||
O Blessed One! you are the source of consciousness which pervades the entire universe (i.e. you are omniscient). But this persen (i.e. the poet) possesses only a small amount of wisdom, (and even this wisdom) fluctuates (from moment to moment) and is (easily) lost. It is in vain, therefore, to arrange these few words, for they are fruitless, a mere play of sentences. O Lord! I now (i. e. with no further talk) enter (i.e. take refuge in you). (2) [552]
किमिदमुदयत्यानन्दौधर्मनांसि विघूर्णयत् सहजमनिशं ज्ञानेश्वर्य चमत्कृतिकारितैः । प्रसभविलसद्वीर्यारम्भप्रगल्भगभीरया तुलयति दृशा विश्वं विश्वं यदित्यवहेलया ॥३॥
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