By (the power of) your self you directly perceive your self; (and this self) although single, partakes of the (triple) nature of being existent, non-existent, and both (existent and non-existent, from the points of view of self, other, and non-sequentiality, respectively). You never become attached to anything other (than yourself ), but remain always unshakeable, immersed (only) in that reality which does not transgress your own nature. (22) [222]
भूतं भवद् भावि समस्तविश्वमालम्बमानः सममेव साक्षात् । अनन्तविश्वात्मकदिव्यदीप्तिस्तवोपयोगो जिन् ! नास्तमेति ॥२३॥ bhūtam bhavad bhāvi samastaviśvam
alambamānah samam eva sākşāt / anantaviśvātmak adivyadiptis
tavopayogo jina nästam eti ||23|| Jina! You simultaneously take the entire universe, past, present, ani future, as the object of your omniscient knowledge. The divine splendoui (of this knowledge) pervades the infinite worlds with its ceaseless activity (23) [223]
समन्ततो दृष्टिरवारितेयं सर्वत्र बोधोऽयमरुद्धशक्तिः । अनन्तवीर्यातिशयेन गाढं सुदुर्द्धरं धारयसि स्वमीश ! ॥२४॥
samantato drstir avāriteyam
sarvatra bodho 'yam aruddhaśaktih / anantavîryātiśayena gādham
sudurddharam dhārayasi svam eśa //24//
O Lord! Your vision is on all sides unimpeded, and the power of your knowledge is everywhere without obstruction. Fully immersed in your excellent and infinite energy, you remain invincible. (24) [224]
भ्रान्त्वा समग्रं जगदेव दीनं खिन्नात्मना प्राणपणं विधाय । बन्दीकृतोऽस्यद्य मयाऽतिलोभात् स्व(स) वस्त्वमेवाप्याय (थ) किं विवादः
11411511811 bhrāntvā samagram jagad eva dinam
khinnätmanā prānapanam vidhāya / bandikrto 'sy adya mayā 'tilobhāt
sv(a)rvas tvam evāpyāy(th)a kim vivādaih 1/25//cha|ix/
Having wandered miserably through all existences in this universe with heart full of afflictions, I have today used all my energy and have with great longing made you captive. You alone are everything to me; now, as I have attained you, what is the use discussions ? (25) (225) IX
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