o Jina ! Indeed (one) substance does not acquire its space-points (pradeśa] from those of another substance (i. e substances have independent existence). Also, no existent is devoid ofs pace-points (i. e. gunas must also have them). You always shine in your (own) space-points, (which are) well-united with your qualities, (namely) intuition, knowledge, energy, (etc.) (i. e. The gunas are said to occupy the space-points of the substance, contrary to the Nyāya assertion that gunas exist independend of the substance). (19) [219]
आलम्ब्य विश्वं किल पुष्कलेयं दृग्बोधवैचित्र्यमयी विभूतिः । तव स्वभावाद् दृशिबोधमूर्तेरेतावदेवोपकृतं परेभ्यः ॥२०॥ ālmabya viśvam kila puşkaleyam
drgbodhavaicitryamayî vibhūtiḥ / tava svabhāvād dụsibodhamūrter
etāvad evopakrtam parebhyah 1/2011
(Your great) glory, consisting of the variegated knowledge and intuition, (may be said to) depend upon this whole world (insofar as it takes the world as its object). But only to that extent can it be said that you owe (this glory) to other (things), for in fact you are by nature an embodiment of intuition and knowledge. (20) [220]
अनन्तधर्मप्रचितैः प्रदेशदृग्बोधयोराश्रयमात्रभूतः । दृग्बोषवैचित्र्यमुखेन साक्षाद्विभो ! विभास्येव हि विश्वरूपः ॥२१॥
anantadharmapracitaiḥ pradeśair
drgbodhayor āśrayamātrabhūtah / drgbodhavaicitryamukhena sākṣād
vibho vibhāsy eva hi višvarūpaḥ 1/21//
0 Omniscient One! You are merely the abode of intuition and knowledge, as well as of the innumerable other qualities which pervade your spacepoints. However, intuition and knowledge are variegated (because of the objects known); thus, you yourself also appear to be an embodiment of infinite forms. (21) [221]
अभावभावोभयरूपमेकं स्ववस्तु साक्षात् स्वययेव पश्यन् । न सज्जसे क्वापि सदाऽप्रकम्पः स्वभावसीमाङिकततत्त्वमग्नः ॥२२॥
abhāvabhāvobhayarūpam ekam
svavastu sākṣād svayam eva paśyan / na sajjase kvāpi sadā 'prakampaḥ
svabhāvasimārkitatattvamagnaḥ //22||
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