O Jina! Your teaching seeks to dispel (all) suffering by resolutely imposing the burden of hardships (in the form of austerities). This (teaching) is unassailable by others; it severs the very roots of suffering in this world. (22) [197]
समामृतस्वादविदां मुनीनामुद्यन्महादुःखभरोऽपि सौख्यम् । पयोरसज्ञस्य यथा वृषारेठाग्नितप्तं पिबतः पयोऽत्र ॥ २३ ॥
samāmṛtas vādavidām muninām
udyan mahāduḥkhabharo'pi saukhyam | payorasajñasya yathā vṛṣārer
hathägnitaptam pibataḥ payo'tra ||23||
Even the burden of the severe pain rising (from austerities) is happiness for those sages who have realized the taste of the ambrosia of equanimity. (This is) like a cat who, drinking severely heated (i. e. boiling) milk, (ignores the pain because he) experiences the flavour. (23) [198]
अमन्दसंवेदनसान्द्रमूत्तिः समग्रवीर्यातिशयोपपन्नः ।
निःशेषिताशेषकलङ कपङ कः कोऽन्यो भवेदाप्ततरो भवतः ? ।।२४।।
amandas mvedanasandramurttiḥ
samagra viryātiśayopapannaḥ |
ko 'nyo bhaved aptataro bhavattaḥ ||24||
Who can be a greater teacher than you? (For) you are the total embodiment of infinite consciousness, endowed with the excellence of infinite energy, (and) you have completely destroyed all the mud of karmas, leaving no residue. (24) [199]
zacad¿ xfaxıfa asaginfaceusqntofta
ततः परं ब्रह्म भवानिहेको यस्मात् परं नापरमस्ति किञ्चित् ॥ २५॥ छ ॥ ६ ॥
yatas tavedam pratibhāti sabda
Jain Education International
brahmaikacinmanḍapakonacumbi |
tataḥ param brahma bhavan ihaiko
yasmāt param näparam asti kiñcit ||25||cha||VIII||
Since the "word-universal" [śabda-brahma], (which encompasses all words, and through them all objects), is contained within a single corner of your infinite knowledge, you are the highest and only Brahman; there is no one here greater than you. (25) [200] VIII
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