Alone, you marched the army (i. e. the forces of your purity, austerities etc.) against the passions. With endless exertion you pulled at them on four sides, endeavoriug to destroy them with all your energy. Although alone, (you wrought such a great effect that) you were regarded as being more than one by the passions. (3) [178]
मुहुर्मुहुर्वञ्चितचित्प्रहारैः पलायितव्याधुटितैमिलद्भिः । तवाऽप्रकम्प्योऽपि दृढः कषायैः स्वशक्तिसारस्तुलित: प्रघृष्य ॥४॥ muhur muhur vañcitacitprahāraiḥ
palāyitavyāghuțitair miladbhih / tavā prakampyo'pi drdhaiḥ kaşāyaih /
svaŚaktisāras tulitaḥ praghrsya //41/
(During the eleventh stage of the ladder of pacification called upa samaśreņi, from which a fall to a lower stage is inevitable), the passions, although attacked repeatedly by your pure consciousness, were able to dodge (such attacks). (And) although put to flight, they returned and reassembled. The essence of your might is unshakeable, but it was certainly put to the test by the grinding force of these powerful passions. (4) [179]
प्रतिक्षणं संस्पृशता स्ववीर्य लब्ध्वान्तरं सम्यगविक्लवेन । त्वयाऽथ तेषां विहितः प्रहारः प्रसह्य सर्वकष एक एव ॥५॥ pratik şaņam samsprśatā svavîryam
labdhvántaram samyag aviklavena / tvayā'tha teşām vihitah prahāraḥ
prasahya sarva mkaşa eka eva //5// Then, staying constantly in touch with your own energy, fearless, you reached the appropriate moment and dealt a single terrible and (totally) uprooting blow to these passions. (5) (180)
साक्षात् कषायक्षपणक्षणेऽपि त्वमुद्वहन् केवलबोधलक्ष्मी[म् । विश्वकभोक्ता जिन ! पौरुषस्य प्रभावमाविष्कृतवान् परेषाम् ॥६॥ sākṣāt kaṣāyakşapaņakşaņe’pi
tvam udvahan kevalabodhalakṣmi (m] / visvaikabhoktā jina pauruşasya
prabhāvam āviskrtavān pareşām //6||
1 Refers to the destruction of the four kinds of kaşāyas, namely, the anantānubandhi, apratyākhyānāvarana, pratyākhyānāvarana and samjvalana krodha, māna, māya, and lobha.
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