2. Five (samitis)- religious observances or carefulness about:(1) (íryá) -walking, (2) Bhásá speech, (3) Eshaná, taking only pure food, and that also when it is not specially prepared for the saint, (4) (ádána-nikshepana)-handling and putting the things as water-bowl, peacock-brush, and scripture which saints may keep, (5) (Pratishthápana) - answering calls of nature.
3. Six daily duties (Aváshyaka) (1) Sámáyika-practising equanimity, (2) Vandaná obedience to perfect souls and High Saints and the Holy images, (3) (Stuti)-praising their qualities (4) Pratikramana- repentance for faults already attached to the soul, (5) Pratyákhyána-fore-thought and endeavour so that in future no faults may attach to the soul, (6) Káyotsarga-giving up attachment to the body and practising contemplation.
4-Self-restraint of five senses,
and seven other duties (1) not to bathe, (2) sleeping on the ground, (3) Nakedness, (4) pulling the hair out with one's own hands, (5) taking only little food once a day, (6) not to rub and cleanse the teeth, (7) taking food standing and only in hollow of the folded hands.
Variegated conduct (chitrala-ácharana.)- every thought-activity has its corresponding thought-paint (Leshyá). The pale mien of habitually studious people, and the dark red of persons in rage has been noticed in all countries and ages. A man with an unfixed conduct often changes his thought-paint or leshyá. Sri Nemi chandrácharya has used a very appropriate word, chequered or variegated to express this unfixity of conduct. This unfixity is due to carelessness (Pramáda) as described in the text.
It must be noted that all the most obvious and usual duties of saintship are discharged in this stage; for example-teaching, and preaching the scriptures, and reading and writing the books, looking after the discipline of pupils, travelling abroad, and taking food.
Jain Education International
fazgı agı zarur jftufùer aga qus T |
चदु चदु पण मेगेगं होंति पमादा हु परणरस ॥ ३४॥ विकथास्तथा कषाया इन्द्रियनिद्रा तथैव प्रणयश्च । चतुश्चतुः [:qodhai wafa gaızı: fe qĦaza || 38 || 34. Censurable talk (Vikathá), passions (Kasháya), senses (Indriya), sleep (Nidrá), and attachment (Pranaya)
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