1. Subsidential-right-belief (Upashama Samyaktva).-It is of two kinds, (i) first (Prathama) (ii) second (dvitíya). (See under Gathas 19-20 above). The duration of this is at the most one Antar muhúrta. From this the soul falls down to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd stage. This three-fold downfall has been described above in the preceding Gathas. If there is no downfall, then after the expiry of its duration, it changes into the second kind of right belief.
2. Destructive-subsidential-right-belief
yaktva) in which there is the operation of right-belief-slightly clouded-by-wrong-belief, (Samyaktva-Prakriti-Mithyâtva) the last of the 3 sub-classes of right-belief-deluding Karma, (Darshana Moha), and the other 2 sub-classes along with the 4 error-feeding passions are partially destroyed and partially in subsidence. The minimum duration of this destructive-subsidential right-belief is one AntarMuhúrta; and the maximum is 66 Ságaras. This maximum is made up of 13 Sagaras in the 7th heaven, 22 in the 16th, and 31 Ságaras in the highest (Graiveyaka).
3. Destructive-right-belief (Ksháyika Samyaktva).-It arises by the destruction of all the 3 sub-classes of right-belief-deludingkarma and the 4 error-feeding passions. This is the best and highest kind of right belief; once gained, it lasts for ever. The soul that acquires it, must-attain liberation at the latest in 33 Ságaras and 2 crore -Púrvas, minus 8 years and one AntarMuhúrta. This maximum is possible for a human being who is born in Videha Kshetra, (one of the seven divisions of Jambú Dweepa), and has the maximum age of one crore Púrva. From there he can, after completing his age, attain Sarvártha Siddhi (the highest heaven) with an age of 33 Ságaras. He may thereafter be born again in Videha Kshetra with the maximum age of one crore Púrva, after which he must attain liberation. As a human being can not attain destructive-right-belief before reaching the age of 8 years, and as the period for the attainment of destructive-right-belief is one antar-muhúrta, we have to deduct 8 years and one antar-muhúrta from 33 Ságaras and 2 crore Púrvas, to fix the maximum duration of destructive-right-belief. This arises only at the feet of the Omniscient Kevali or the allscripture-knowing Shruta Kevalí saints.
=Jain Education International
The destructive-right-belief is perfect. There is no matter to cloud or disturb it, but in the destructive-subsidential-right belief
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