(7). Kshayika Virya.- Purified or perfect power, due to the destruction of power-obstructing (Víryántaráya) karma.
(8). Kshayika Samyaktva.. Purified or perfect right belief, due to the destruction of the right-belief-deluding (Darshana Moha) karma.
(9). Ksháyika Charitra, Purified or perfect right conduct, due to the destruction of right-conduct-deluding (Charitra Moha) karma.
Scriptures.-They are said to be beginningless and endless because they are co-eval with substances (Dravya); the eternal truth of which they contain in detail. The mention of the scriptures is especially appropriate here, because it is only the Arahantas, or the Adorable Lords in this stage, who give the scriptures to the world. The description of the scriptures as without beginning and end is also significant. The Arahanta sees the whole Truth and preaches it, but he adds nothing to it. The truth is perfect and has been seen, known and preached by the all-knowing in all-ages, and naturally there has been neither addition nor alteration in any of its contents hitherto, nor can there be any in the future. Truth is one for all, and for all times, and must necessarily be without beginning and without end.
सोलेसिं संपत्तो णिरुद्धणिस्सेसासवो जीवो। कम्मरयविप्पमुक्को गयजोगो केवली होदि ॥६५॥ शीलैष्यं संप्राप्तः निरुद्ध निःशेषास्रवो जीवः । कर्म र जो विप्रमुक्तो गतयोगः केवली भवति ॥६५॥
65. (He who) has attained Lordship of Peaceful perfection, whose inflow (Asrava) is wholly stopped, (who is about to be) entirely freed from particles of karmic dust (and) whose vibratory activity has ceased-(such a perfect) soul is a non-vibrating (Ayoga) Omniscient Lord (Kevali, in the 14th stage).
सम्मत्तुप्पत्तीये सावयविरदे अणंतकम्मसे। दसणमोहक्खवगे कसायउबसामगेयउवसंते ॥ ६६ ॥ सम्यक्त्वोत्पत्तौ श्रावक विरते अनन्त काशे । दर्शनमोहक्षपके कषायोपशामके चोपशान्ते ॥६६॥
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