(11) The 36 are:(1) Nidrá. Sleep.
(2) Prachalá. Drowsiness.
(3) Hásya. Laughter. (4) Rati. (5) Bhaya. Fear.
(6) Jugupsá. Disgust. (7) Deva Gati.
Celestial condition of existence.
(8) Panchendriya Játi. Five sensed genus of beings. (9) Vaikriyika Sharira. Fluid body. (10) Áháraka Sharira. Assimilative body. (11) Taijasa Sharira. Electric body. (12) Kármana Karmic body.
(13) Vaikriyika-ángopánga, Limbs and minor limbs in
fluid body.
(14) Aháraka ángopánga Limbs and minor limbs in assimilative body.
(15) Nirmána, Formation.
(16) Sama-chaturasra-Samsthána, Figure with perfect proportion all round.
(17) Sparsha, touch. (18) Rasa, taste.
(19) Gandha smell.
(20) Varna colour.
(21) Devagatyánupurvi. Celestial migratory form.
(22) Agurulaghu, Not heavy-light.
(23) Upagháta, Self distructive.
(24) Paragháta, Destructive.
(25) Uchchhvása, Respiration.
(26) Shubha Viháyogati, Graceful movement. (27) Pratyeka Sharira, Individual-body-plant. (28) Trasa, Mobile.
(29) Subhaga, Amiable personality.
(30) Susvara, Sweet-voiced.
(31) Shubha, Beautiful body.
(32) Bádara, Gross (body).
Jain Education International
(33) Paryápti, Developable.
(34) Sthira, Steady (circulation of blood.)
(35) Ádeya, Radiant appearence.
(36) Tirthamkara. A Tirthamkara's career with all its grandeur, when he preaches and completes His
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