(15) Bajra Nárácha Samhanana, Adamantine joints and
bones. (16) Nárácha Samhanana, Unbreakable joints and bones. (17) Ardha Nárácha Samhanana. Semi-unbreakable joints
and bones. (18) Kílita Samhanana. Jointed or Riveted bones. (19) Tiryancha Ánupúrvi. Sub-human migratory form. (20) Udyota, Gold light. (21) Ashubha Viháyogati. Awkward movement, (22) Durbhaga. Unprepossessing. (23) Dusvara. Harsh-voiced. (24) Anádeya. Dull appearane.
(25) Nícha Gotra. Low family, (7) The 10 sub-classes of bondage-separation are:(1) Apratyákhyáná Varniya Krodha. Partial-vow-pre
venting Anger. (2) Apratyákhpána Varniya Mána, Pride ,,
, Máya, Deceit ,
,, Lobha, Greed .. (5) Manushya Ayu. Human age. (6) , Gati. Human condition. (7) Audarika Sharira. Physical body. (8) , Ángopánga, Physical Limbs and minor
limbs. (9) Bajra Nárácha Samhanana. Adamantine joints and
bones. (10) Manushya Ánupúrvi. Human migratory form. (8) The four are perfect-vow-preventing Anger, Pride,
Deceit, and Greed. (9) The six are:
(1) Asatá Vedaniya. Pain-feeling. (2) Arati. Dis-satisfaction. (3) Shoka. Sorrow. (4) Ashubha-nama-karma. Ugly body. (5) Asthira » , Unsteady circulation of
blood. (6) Ayashahkirti ; bringing bad name. (10) The Deva Ayu or celestial age karma ceases to be bind.
able after the end of this, the 7th stage.
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