DURATION OF BONDAGE. तीसं कोडाकोडी तिघादितदियेसु वीस णामदुगे। सत्तरि मोहे सुद्धं उवही आउस्त तेतीसं ॥ १२७ ॥ त्रिंशत् कोटीकोट्य स्त्रिघातितृतीयेषु विंशतिर्नामद्वये । सप्ततिर्मोहे शुद्ध उदधिरायुषस्त्रयस्त्रिंशत् ॥ १२७ ॥
127. (The maximum duration of bondage) of (each of) the three destructive (i. e. knowledge and conation obscuring and obstructive Karmas) and of the third (ive., feeling-Karma is) thirty crores of crores of Ságaras ; of (each of) the two body-making and family, twenty (crores of crores of Ságaras) ; of the deluding Karma, seventy crores of crores (of Ságaras); and of the age (Karma), only thirty-three (Ságaras).
दुक्खतिघादीणोघं सादिच्छीमणुदुगे तदद्धं तु। सत्तरि दंसणमोहे चरित्तमोहे य चत्तालं ॥ १२८॥ दुःखत्रिघातिनामोघः सातस्त्रीमनुष्यद्विके तदर्धं तु । सप्ततिः दर्शनमोहे चारित्रमोहे च चत्वारिंशत् ॥ १२८॥
128. (Of the 20 sub-classes, i. e.), the pain-(feeling, and the nineteen sub-classes) of the three destructive (knowledge and conation-obscuring and the obstructive Karmas), the (duration is the same as of the corresponding) primary (classes, i.e., 30 crores of crores of Ságaras each); of pleasure-(feeling), feminine (inclination), (and) of the two human (condition and migratory form), half of these (i. e., 15 crores of crores Ságaras, each); of (wrong belief, sub-class of) right-belief-deluding (Karma), seventy crores of crores Ságaras ; and of (16 passions, sub-classes of) conduct-deluding-Karma, forty (crores of crores of Ságaras each).
संठाणसंहदीणं चरिमस्सोघं दुहीणमादित्ति । अहरसकोडकोडी वियलाणं सुहमतिरहं च ॥ १२६ ॥
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