pain is as a favour to one who has committed a grievous offence. On the other hand, it is possible to repudiate long misdirected love if the person so loved is treated with contempt' even on isolated occasions; for example, if one does not take any notice of him when present; if one does not talk to him when near; if one ignores him when he makes a statement; if one neglects him when insulted by his inferiors; if one disappoints him when he asks for a favour; if one befriends those who are disliked by him; if one does not mention him in conversation with friends; if one does not look at his attendants; and if even in self-evident matters (requiring no deliberation) one dismisses him on the pretext of lack of leisure."
After recognising that the pageant of life loses its meaning without women, Yasodhara dilates on their villainy and faithless character (p. 61): इमा निशमनुनीयमाना गृहमर्कटमिव विडम्बयन्ति पुरुषम्, उपचारैर्गृह्यमाणा दानदुर्भराः स मेष इत्यधिक्षिपन्ति, अपेक्ष्यमाणाः पशुमिव मन्यन्ते, हठादुपभुज्यमानाः श्मशानकुटमिव परिहरन्ति, सेर्घ्यमनुयुज्यमाना भुजय इव दशन्ति, गुणवद्भघो निम्बादिवोद्विजन्ते, शुचिक्रियेषु मृत्पिण्ड इवाभिनिविशन्ते, अनुरज्यन्त्य एव भवन्ति कारणमनर्थपरंपरायाः, हसन्त्य एव शल्ययन्त्यङ्गानि पश्यन्त्य एव दहन्ति देहम्, आलपन्त्य एव स्खलन्ति मनसः स्थैर्यम्, आसजन्त्य एव कुर्वन्ति तृणादषि लघुतरं मनुष्यम्, आरक्ष्यमाणाः स्वच्छलेनैवारभन्ते दुष्कर्माणि । न चासामस्ति रक्षणोपायः । "Constantly pampered, they deride men as they would a tame monkey. They are never satisfied with presents, and when treated with marks of esteem, they mock at men as being sheep. When sought after, they look upon men as brutes. When enjoyed against their will, they forsake men like a water-pot used in a cremation ground. Jealously questioned, they bite like serpents. They shun those who are virtuous like the Neem tree (with the bitter leaves), and regard those who act from pure motives as clods of earth. Women become a source of perennial evil even while they profess love, pierce one's limbs even while they laugh, consume one's body even while they cast glances, undermine one's strength of mind even while they talk, and degrade a person even lower than a blade of grass by attaching themselves to him. When guarded, they commit misdeeds by resorting to their own devices, and there is in fact no means of effectively guarding them."
The disgruntled husband takes a pessimistic view of youth, wealth and the joys of life, all these being regarded as disturbing influences on the moral life. The observations are enlivened by a large number of illustrative similes (p. 66 ) :
यौवनाविर्भावः पुनः कादम्बरीयोग इव परं मुमुक्षूणामपि नाविकार्य मनांसि विश्राम्यति । श्रीमदः सर्वेन्द्रियाणां जनुषान्धत्वमिवाप्रतीकारमुपघात करणम् । अनङ्गसिद्धान्तः खलोपदेश इवानर्थभुजङ्गमानामुत्थापनदण्डः । कवयः पुनः पिशाचा इव विषयेषु विभ्रमयन्ति निसर्गादजिह्मान्यपि चित्तानि । डिण्डिमध्वनिरिव व्यसनव्यालप्रबोधनकरः कलानामभ्यासः । नियोगलाभ इवापातसुन्दरः प्रसह्योन्मादयति सुविदुषोऽपि पुरुषान् प्रणयिजनविलासो हृदयमुपनिपत्य दर्पयति च । याचितकमण्डनमिव
1 Ms. A remarks यदि अनवसरानुसरणं निरादरः क्रियेत तदा प्रणयः निराकृतः स्यात् । अनवसरानुसरणं किमिव अनवेक्षणमित्यादि क्रियेत.
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