to the hair all around being cropped short. They seem to have clusters of full-blown Karnikára blossoms attached to their cheeks on account of their countenances being lovely with the shooting rays of the large gold earrings swinging from their elongated ears. They are shaggy on account of the profuse growth of hair on the borders of the lips, the chins, and the frontal part of the legs. They seem to be displaying the source of their fame',
eir visage being beautiful with the lustre of their daily cleaned teeth. Their upper arms are dented with the marks of bites (given by their mistresses), round as the halo of a planet, to wit, the god of love. They look like the waves of the Yamunā blended with the filaments of lotus blossoms, their dark bodies being painted with fluid turmeric ceaselessly dripping. With the blue sheen of their parasols made of peacock feathers they have caused the sky to look like an emerald floor; and wit hands playfully moving along their curved loins shining with the lustre of their shields painted with liquid red lead, they look like the sky full of flashes of lightning playing in the bosom of the evening clouds.”
इतश्चोत्तप्तकाञ्चनकान्तकायपरिकरम् , करोत्तम्भितकर्तरीकणयकृपाणप्रासपट्टिशबाणासनम् आसनविशेषवशातिविद्रुतमितद्रवखुरक्षोभितकुम्भिनीभागम्, भागभागापितानेकवर्णवसनवेष्टितोष्णीषम्, अनवधिप्रकारप्रसवस्तबकचुम्बितशिखं विजयश्रीनिवासवनमिवेदं, देव, तुरगवेगवर्णनोदीणं यथायथकथमौत्तरपथं बलम् ।
“Here, Sire, is the North Indian regiment of truthful speech, and elcquent in praise of the speed of horses. The men have bodies comely as heated gold; and held fast in their hands are knives, darts, daggers, spears, blades and bows. The surface of the earth is agitated by the hooves of their horses galloping at top speed on account of their particular mode of riding. They wear puggrees made up with multicoloured scarves arranged in layers; and with the crown of their heads adorned with clusters of flowers of endless varieties, they look like the sylvan abode of the goddess of victory."
572.............with ASEMT1904. Bataafse goretsretaria 91699faबदनवृत्तिभिः खभावादेवातिकोपनहृदयैराप्रपदीनचोलकस्खलितगतिवैलक्ष्योत्क्षिप्तपर्यन्तजनदुर्वाग्विधिभिः प्रकामायामलोमचूडैगौडैराकुलितसकलसैनिकम् , विचित्रसूत्रगुम्फितस्फारफरकोत्करकर्बुरितसर्वदाक्षायणीदेशम् , ..........
B egri, देव, इदं जलयुद्धबद्धक्रियाविशेषासक्तं तैरभुक्तं बलम् ।
"Here, Sire, is the Tirhut regiment, fond solely of war and devoted to manoeuvres incidental to naval combats: it'has darkened the entire horizon with its mighty elephants..................All the troops of this regiment are
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Fame in Sanskrit poetry is always white. A marginal note in Ms. A says grofta: farle izat: 1377491 TETET This seems to be a reference to river operations. The Deopara stone inscription of Vijayasena of Bengal (about the end of the eleventh century speaks of the royal flest going up the entire course of the Ganges for the conquest of the western regions (PTT fog qe kane alferra)Ep. Ind., Vol. I, p. 309.
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