from the earth, from the depths of the nether regions, and from all the corners of the sky, like darkness at night.” “ The banners of the Sun's aerial car were singed by the flames issuing from the eye on their foreheads, being fanned by the gaspings of the hapless serpents, ruthlessly pressed in the tangled masses of their hair; while the Sun's rays were obstructed by the huge vultures hovering about the gruesome skulls decorating their heads; and the ornamental designs of blood painted on their cheeks were being lapped up by the snakes adorning their ears."1
A notable picture is the dramatic appearance of the spy of Yasodhara in the streets of Ujjain with his grotesque dress and clamorous retinue (Chap. III, p. 397 ):
कृतकार्धचन्द्रचुम्बितचन्द्रकापीडविम्बितमुण्डमण्डलः, तूलिनीकुसुमकुमलाकृतिजातुषोत्कर्षितकर्णकुण्डलः, कार्मणानेकजटाजातिजटितकण्ठिकावगुण्ठनजठरकण्ठनालः, चिरचेलचीरीचर्चितविचित्राप्रपदीनप्रालम्बजालः, कुवलीफलस्थूलत्रापुषमणिविनिर्मिताङ्गदसंपादितप्रकाण्डमण्डनः, कूर्परपर्यन्तप्रकोष्ठप्रकल्पितगवलवलयावरुण्डनः, काकनन्तिकाफलमालोपरचितवैकक्षकवक्षःस्थलः, कठोरकमठपृष्ठाष्टीलस्थपुटपाणितलः, 'पटचरपर्याणगोणीगुह्यापिहितमेहनः, पुराणतरमन्दीरमेखलालंकृतनितम्बनिवेशनः, कसहंसकरसितवाचालचरणचारचातुरीक्षोभितवीथीजनमनस्कारः, कातरेक्षगविषाणकाणविनिवेदितनिशाबलिप्रचारः, किरातवेषस्य भगवतो विश्वमूर्तेरपरमेव कमप्याकल्पं बिभ्राणः पुत्रभाण्डं बन्दिवृन्दारकस्य कटकाधिपतेः, जामिभॊगावलीपाठिनः सुभटसौहार्दस्य, दौहित्रः श्रोत्रियकितवनानो नर्मसचिवस्य, समाश्रयस्थानमवकीर्णिलोकानाम् , अखिलपुन विवाहकृतकशिपुवेतनसंबन्धः, सकलगोकुलालिखिततूवरसुरभिसैरिनीदायनिबन्धः, प्रचुरप्रतिकविकृतगात्रैः सत्रिपुत्रैदण्डाजिनिश्च परिव्राजकैः 'एष खलु भगवान् संजातमहायोगिनीसंगति तीन्द्रियज्ञानोद्गतिः सिद्धः सामेथिकः संवननामगा करिणः केसरिणमाणे संगमयति विद्वेषभेषजेन जननीमप्यात्मजेषु वैरिणीं विदधाति इत्यावेद्यमानज्ञानमत्रतन्त्रप्रभावः ।
“His head was adorned with a crown of peacock feathers surmounted by a crescent, and he was wearing earrings made of red lac and shaped like the flowers and buds of the silk-cotton tree. The neck was stiffened by the fastening of a necklace made out of many varieties of magic roots, and he was wearing a garland made from shreds of old rags, multicoloured, and reaching to the feet. The upper arms were decorated with armlets made of tin balls large as plums, and the forearms enveloped with buffalo-horn bracelets up to the elbows; while a garland of Guñja berries served the purpose of a vaikakşaka wreath across the bosom. The hands were rugged like the bony frame of the carapace of a tortoise, and the privy parts were covered with the lower edge of an old saddle cloth. The waist was decorated with a girdle of worn out churning ropes and the attention of the passers-by was attracted by the nimble gait of his feet resounding with the brass anklets worn by him. He announced his nocturnal rites with the sound of his buffalo-horn; and he was, in fact,
1 'कपर्दनिर्दयसंमर्द निमोंदालगर्दगलगुहास्फुरत्फूत्कारस्फारितललाटलोचनानलज्वालाग्लपिनादितिसुतनिकेतनपताकाभोगा
भिः, शिखण्डमण्डनोडुमरनरशिर श्रेणिपर्यन्तभ्रान्तप्रवृद्धगृधनिरुद्धबन्नदीधितिप्रबन्धाभिः, श्रवणभूषणभुजङ्गजिहानिया मानकपोलतललिखितरक्तपत्राभिः' (p. 45),
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