of her. Do thou therefore discard thy sword, the companion of thy arm in the sport of war: its blade doth emit its lustre under the pressure of thy powerful grip!”
Māradatta listened to the verses recited by the bard, and laid down his sword at the feet of the goddess. Then imposing silence on the noisy crowd of spectators with his raised hand, he offered a seat to the ascetic boy and the girl, who now recited, one after the other, a series of panegyrics in honour of the king in the conventional style of court poetry.
The purpose of the ascetic boy was to convert the king to the Jaina faith: but he thought it advisable to proceed slowly ar in the matter, and reflected within himself (p. 176):
____ "रजस्तमोबहुलेषु च प्राणिषु प्रथमतरमेव धर्मोपदेशः करोति महतीं शिरःशूलव्यथाम् , भवति चावधीरणाय वक्तुः, तदेनमभ्यस्तरसप्रसरैरेव वचोभिरुलासयामि, नयवेदिनो हि वनगज इव स्वादुकफलप्रलोभनमविदिततत्वे पुंसि छन्दानुवर्तनमपि भवत्यायत्यामभिमतावाप्तये।"
“Preaching of religion at the very outset to persons, dominated by passion and ignorance, only gives them a severe headache, and brings the speaker into contempt. So I will cheer him with words enlivened by such sentiments as are familiar to him. A sagacious person ultimately obtains the desired result with regard to one who is ignorant of the truth, even by humouring him, just as one subdues a wild elephant by alluring him with delicious fruits.” -
The ascetic boy, followed by his companion, again praised the king in & series of lyrical verses; and the latter now questioned them about their native place and origin. The boy promised to satisfy the king's curiosity and addressed to him a benedictory verse.
Book II The ascetic boy Abhayaruci, addressing Māradatta, now begins the story of his previous births, an autobiographical record, which incidentally throws interesting light on medieval court life in India.
There is a prosperous country named Avanti, hospitable with its fruit-trees, lotus-pools and vernal bowers.
मार्गोपान्तवनदुमावलिदलच्छायापनीतातपाः पूर्णाभ्यर्णसरोऽवतीर्णपवनव्याधूतदेहश्रमाः । पुष्पैर्मन्दमुदः फलैर्भूतधियस्तोयैः कृतक्रीडनाः पान्था यत्र वहन्ति केलिकमलव्यालोलहारश्रियः ॥2.12.
“There the travellers wear beautiful unsteady wreaths of toy-lotus blossoms, and are protected from the sun by the shade of the leaves of the woodland trees alongside the roads. Their fatigue is removed by the breezes coming from the neighbouring pools of water, full to the
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