YAŠASTILAKA AND INDIAN CULTURE Somadeva cites the Smrti injunction that the Veda and the Dharmaśāstras, composed by sages like Manu, Vyāsa and Vasiştha, should be regarded as mandatory and authoritative in all matters, and on no account should their authority be called in question by means of argumentation : in fact, the Brāhmaṇa, who censures the Veda and despises the S'ruti and the Smrti, should be ostracized as a năstika. These views are summarily rejected by Somadeva. In Yasastilaka, Book IV, he quotes the relevant verses :
मानवं व्यासवासिष्ठं वचनं वेदसंयुतम् । अप्रमाणं तु यो ब्रूयात् स भवेद्रह्मघातकः ॥
पुराणं मानवो धर्मः साङ्गो वेदश्चिकित्सितम् । आज्ञासिद्धानि चत्वारि न हन्तव्यानि हेतुभिः॥, and calls them fanciful or absurd utterances (mukhabhāşītam). It may be
i that the Buddhist S'āntarakṣita also quotes the second verse and makes a similar remark in Tattvasaṁgraha (verses 3584-5). In Yasastilaka VI. 2 Somadeva quotes the following verses :
श्रुति वेदमिह प्राहुर्धर्मशास्त्रं स्मृतिर्मता । ते सर्वार्थेष्वमीमांस्ये ताभ्यां धर्मो हि निर्बभौ ।
ते तु यस्त्ववमन्येत हेतुशास्त्राश्रयाद् द्विजः । स साधुभिर्वहिः कार्यों नास्तिको वेदनिन्दकः॥ and remarks that the opinion expressed therein is unsound. He points out that a disputant, who depends entirely upon the Scriptures and never resorts to reasoning, while seeking the truth, is not likely to triumph; as the good appreciate merit, but not a thing whose character has not been ascertained: a jewel is placed on the head, but a stone (unobserved while walking ) is kicked away with the foot."
समस्तयुक्तिनिर्मुक्तः केवलागमलोचनः । तत्वमिच्छन्न कस्येह भवेद्वादी जयावहः ॥ सन्तो गुणेषु तुष्यन्ति नाविचारेषु वस्तुषु । पादेन क्षिप्यते पावा रत्नं मौलौ निधीयते ॥
The infallibility of the Veda and the Dharniaśāstras was the cornerstone of Hindu orthodoxy, and it was natural for non-Brahmanical writers to challenge the theory that the authority of the Śruti and the Smrti must be unquestioningly accepted. We have already seen that in the controversial dialogue between Yasodhara and his mother in Yasastilaka, Book IV, the latter represents the orthodox view and the former the standpoint of the heretics. Yasodhara's mother declares to her son: Discard Śruti, Smặti, Itihāsa, and Purāņic lore if thou hast no use for
1 पुराणं मानवो धर्मः साङ्गो वेदश्चिकित्सितम् । आशासिद्धानि चत्वारि न हन्तन्यानि हेतुभिः॥ मन्ये तेनैव दत्तेयं
जडेभ्यस्तैर्विभीषिका । आशासिद्धत्वमन्यत्र वाङ्मात्रात्क नु वा भवेत् ॥ 2 Cf. Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, II. I:
The jewel that we find, we stoop and take it Because we see it; but what we do not see We tread upon, and never think of it.
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