Karma.' Emancipation consists in union with or absorption in Siva (Slivasamānatā, sāyujya)".
The Dakşiņa Mārga, as interpreted by Somadeva, seems to represent a sort of monistic system under the influence of Vedāntic ideas. Siva is regarded as the sole ultimate reality, but the system postulates also thirty-six Tattvas or Principles which last till the dissolution of the creation. They are Siva, Sakti, Sadāśiva (the volitional aspect of Siva), Isvara (the active aspect of Siva) and Suddha-vidyā (the omniscient aspect of Siva); Māyā, Kāla, Niyati (the law regulating the nature of things ), Kalā (the urge to activity in creatures), Vidyā (intuition), Rāga (desire including the higher impulse) and Puruşa ; and Prakrti, Buddhi, Ahamkāra, Manas, the ten Indriyas, the five Tanmātras and the five elements. It is important to note that Māyā is the constituent material which Siva stirs into action with his Saktis in order to create the universe. The universe is accordingly compared to a magic show, and Siva is spoken of as identical with Māyā and its product, the universe. In the ultimate resort Siva is declared to be the sole Reality and the Supreme Principle, in which is reflected the universe composed of the thirty-six Principles, just as a town or a village is reflected in a large mirror.8 Siva is the supreme, deathless Absolute (Brahma), the one and the true, subject to no change or modification, self-luminous and beyond the range of mind and speech. He is accompanied by Māyā, and Māya is at the root of the creation; it is the indestructible germ of the universe, and inspired by Siva. The principle
i Tattvaprakāśa 1. 15; 6. 2. 2 Ibid, 2. 16. 3 311 faga HOT THEIR GET ITT TAR Titracie TTHC Tattvaprakāša
6. 3. In 5. 7 it is stated that Māyā, Puruşa and Siva continue to exist after the
dissolution of the Tattvas, and creation starts again. 4 असत् स्वतः सदाभासमिन्द्रजालं यथा तथा। तां मायां शक्तिभिः स्वाभिर्विक्षोभ्य परमेश्वरः।। स्वकर्मानुगुणं सृष्टिं करोति
Furafa: 1 Išānaśivagurudevapaddhati (Kriyāpāda )1. 87, 88. Cf. Tattvaprakāśa 3. 3. 5 e rifaqetafiet arafasadi: 1 31T ASW-FASTTH HOTII Isänaśivagurudeva
paildhati (Kriyāpāda), p. 15. 6 The comm. on Tattvaprakāśa 1. 18 says: H 414 fa: #12ta chal i
ततः स एव तदुभयमिति । ...तदुक्तमीश्वरगीतायाम् स एव मूलप्रकृतिः प्रधानः पुरुषोऽपि च । विकारा महदादीनि
data: :11 7 TO ator faraus fatifitisraefaat | Tattvaprakāśa 2. 13.
सर्वविकल्पविहीनं शुद्धं शान्तं व्ययोदयविहीनम् । यत् परतत्वं तस्मिन् विभाति षट्त्रिंशदात्म जगत् ॥ दर्पणबिम्बे TAYE faqafiri Hafa feria 9 7 993 yurafa all Quoted from a 77. in Śrikumāra's comm. on Tattvaprakasa 1. 18. Cl. कूटस्थममृतं ब्रह्म सत्यमेकप विक्रियम् ।...सदात्मकं स्वयंज्योतिरवासनसगोचरम् । मायासहायं तत् प्राहुः
staad #lifeo: II Quoted from fucrat in comm. on Tattvaprakāśa 2. 5. Also H ata Hotelarsi ferarse quoted from Friya in Iśānasiva (Kriyāpāda), chap. 2.
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