clearly shows that while the Jainas were eager to propagate their religion, they were definitely opposed to the admission of undesirable elements to the fold of Jainism, and preferred to welcome those who had voluntarily adopted the faith. At the same time there was a tendency to show considerable latitude to those converts who were unable to forgo completely their former customs and beliefs. As Somadeva says, a person of this category should be given a mixed reception, since the total loss of a new adherent is by no means desirable.
As we have already pointed out, Somadeva defends certain Jaina practices which seem to have provoked adverse comment in non-Jaina circles." The nudity of the Digambara monks was one such example, and there is an interesting episode in Yasastilaka Book V, wherein another attempt is made to justify it. Prince Yaśomati is disgusted at the sight of the Jaina monk Sudatta in the garden of the Sahasrakūța temple, and the companion of the prince explains to the merchant Kalyāṇamitra that the king's displeasure is due to his having seen the inauspicious nude fellow before him. Kalyanamitra who is a good Jaina makes a spirited reply, in the course of which he asserts that nudity is natural and it is clothing that is artificial: one is nude at birth and during childhood and at the time of enjoying physical comforts; Siva is nude and so is the recluse who cuts off the tuft of hair on his head. If nudity is objectionable, why is the cow honoured every day? It is sinful and harmful objects that are inauspicious; if sages, devoted to the good of all sentient beings, and purified by knowledge, meditation and austerities, are an inauspicious sight, what else can be auspicious in the world ?8 The frequency with which Somadeva defends the nudity and other practices of the Digambara monks seems to suggest that these were considered to be unattractive features of the Jaina creed in the eyes of non-Jainas, and it was accordingly deemed necessary to remove all misconceptions in regard to them in order that there might not be any obstacles in the path of the propagation of Jainism among the masses.
Jaina propaganda seems to have been subtle and effective. In Yasastilaka, Book IV, Yasodhara's mother describes the Jainas as weaning away the people from other systems, like thieves, and calls the Digambaras magicians expert in fascinating the world. It was also part of Jaina.
1 For the relevent verses see Chap. X, section VI. 2 See Chap. X. 3 सुखानुभवने नग्नो नग्नो जन्मसमागमे। बाल्यै नग्नः शिवो नमो नग्नश्छिन्नशिखो यतिः।। नग्नत्वं सहजं लोके विकारो
वस्त्रवेष्टनम् । नन्ना चेयं कथं वन्धा सौरभेयी दिने दिने ।...शानध्यानतपःपूताः सर्वसत्त्वहिते रताः। किमन्यन्मङ्गलं
लोके मुनयो यद्यमङ्गलम् ।। 4 See Chap. XII.
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