CHAPTER XI Tue ANUPREKŞĀS AND JAINA RELIGIOUS POETRY Jaina religious poetry, as far as it is represented in Yasastilaka, comprises verses on the Anuprekşās, hymns, and what may be loosely called religio-ethical verses. Of these the Anuprekşā verses are the most important not only from the standpoint of subject matter, but on account of the place they occupy in Jaina literature and relgious thought.
In order to appreciate Somadeva's treatment of the Anuprekşās, it will be convenient to explain their religious background, and enumerate the principal literary attempts to define and interpret them before and after his time. The Anuprekşas are, roughly speaking, topics of meditation, twelve in number, and cover a wide range of the cardinal teachings of Jainism. They are in the form of reflections on the transient character of things (anitydnuprekşa), helplessness (asaraṇānuprekşā), the cycle of rebirth isaṁsārānuprekşā), loneliness (ekatvānuprekşā), the distinction between the self and the not-self (anyatvānuprekşā), the impurity of the body (asucyanu preksā), the inflow of Karmas (ūsravānuprekşă ), stoppage of the inflow of Karmas (sarvarānuprekşā ), the shedding of Karma (nirjarānupreksā), the constitution of the universe (lokānuprekşā), the difficulty of attaining the Right Path consisting of the Three Jewels (bodhidurlabhānupreksā), and the Law expounded by the Arhat (dharmasvākhyātatvānuprekşā). It may be noted that the Anuprekşās are known also as Bhāvanās, specially in Svetāmbara texts.
Anuprekşā means anucintana "pondering', 'reflection'. Pūjyapāda in his commentary on Tattvärthasūtra 9. 2 explains Anuprekşā as pondering on the nature of the body and other substances'.' Svāmikārti (verse 97) defines it as 'pondering on the right principles' (sutacca-citā anuppeha). The word is used also in connection with Svadhyāya or study of sacred lore, of which anuprekşā, pondering on what one has learnt, is an important factor. Pūjyapāda says in his commentary on Tattvārthasūtra 9. 25: adhigatarthasya manasā abhyāsaḥ anuprekşă. The word is used in this sense also in Uttarādhyayanasūtra 29. 22, wherein anuppeha, explained as cintanikā in Nemicandra's commentary, is one of the factors of sammatta-parakkama, 'exertion in righteousness', mitigating the power and duration of practically all the Karmas.
The Anuprekşās are designed to serve as aids to spiritual progress, produce detachment, and lead the devotee from the realm of desire to
1 'शरीरादीनां स्वभावानुचिन्तनमनुप्रेक्षा'
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