composed by the exalted and omniscient Arhat or Tirthamkara; märga, the investigation of the Three Jewels of Right Faith, Right knowledge and Right conduct; upadeso, listening to the life-stories of the great men of old such as the Tirthamkaras, the Cakravartins etc.; sutra, the code regulating the conduct and behaviour of the ascetics; bija, a clue to the understanding of all sections of the doctrine; samkṣepa, summary knowledge of the main topics of the system, Āpta, sūtra or the sacred canon, the vows and the categories; vistara, comprehensive knowledge of the vast canonical literature consisting of the twelve Angas, the fourteen Purvas and the Prakīrņas; artha, personal conviction in matters connected with the sacred lore; avagaḍha, profound knowledge of some part of the threefold Canon; and paramavagāḍha, the conviction of a man possessing the three kinds of supernatural knowledge, viz., avadhi, manaḥparyaya and kerala.1 Samyaktva is thus tenfold according to the source from which it is derived, and we have therefore ten types of Samyaktva: margasamyaktva, sūtrasamyaktva, arthasamyaktva and so on.
In early literature the above ten aspects of Samyaktva are dealt with in Uttaradhyayanasūtra XXVIII. 16 ff., although some of the sources are differently given : ' Faith is produced by 1. nisarga, nature ; 2. upadeśa, instruction ; 3. ājña, command; 4. sūtra, study of the sūtras; 5. bija, suggestion; 6. abhigama, comprehension of the meaning of the sacred lore ; 7. vistara, complete course of study; 8. kriyā, religious exercise ; 9. samksepa, brief exposition; 10. dharma, the Law'. The Sutra defines each of these factors in detail, and later writers explain them in their own way. The following verse, quoted by Somadeva in Yasastilaka VI. 21, being enumeration of the ten kinds of Samyaktva, occurs in Guņabhadra's ātmānusāsana.
आज्ञामार्गसमुद्भवमुपदेशात्सूत्रबीज संक्षेपात् । विस्तारार्थाभ्यां भवमवपरमावादिगाढं च ॥
Gunabhadra clearly explains the ten kinds of Samyaktva in the following verses (ibid. 12-14) :
आज्ञासम्यक्त्वमुक्तं यदुत विरुचितं वीतरागाज्ञयैव त्यक्तप्रन्थप्रपञ्चं शिवममृतपथं श्रद्दधन्मोहशान्तेः । मार्गश्रद्धानमाहुः पुरुषवरपुराणोपदेशोपजाता या संज्ञानागमाब्धिप्रसृतिभिरुपदेश दिरादेशि दृष्टिः ॥ आकर्ण्याचारसूत्रं मुनिचरणविधेः सूचनं श्रद्दधानः सूक्तासैौ सूत्रदृष्टिर्दुरधिगमगतेरर्थसार्थस्य बीजैः । कैश्विजातोपलब्धेर समशमवशाद् बीजदृष्टिः पदार्थान् संक्षेपेणैव बुद्ध्वा रुचिमुपगतवान् साधु संक्षेपः ॥ यः श्रुत्वा द्वादशाङ्गीं कृतमुचिरथ तं विद्धि विस्तारदृष्टिं संजातार्थात् कुतश्चित् प्रवचनवचनान्यन्तरेणार्थदृष्टिः । दृष्टिः साङ्गाङ्गबाह्य प्रवचनमवगाह्योत्थिता यावगाढा कैवल्यालोकिवार्थे रुचिरिह परमावादिगाढेति रूढा ॥
Somadeva says: भगवदर्हत्सर्वज्ञ प्रणीतागमानुज्ञासंज्ञा आशा, रत्नत्रयविचारसग मार्गः, पुराणपुरुषचरितश्रवणा भिनिवेश उपदेशः, यतिजनाचरणनिरूपणपात्रं सूत्रम्, सकलसमयदलसूचनाव्याणं बीजम् आप्तश्रुतव्रतपदार्थसमासालापाक्षेपः संक्षेपः, द्वादशान चतुर्दश पूर्वप्रकीर्ण विस्तीर्णश्रुतार्थसमर्थन प्रस्तारो विस्तारः, प्रवचनविपये स्वप्रत्ययसमर्थोऽर्थः त्रिविधस्यागमस्य निःशेषतोऽन्यतमदेशावगाहाली ढमवगाढम् अवधिमनःपर्यय केवलाधिकपुरुषप्रत्यय प्ररूढं परमावगाढम् ।
P. 323.
2 Jacobi: Jaina Sutras, Part II, p. 154.
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