Among his literary predecessors Haribhadra gives an interesting exposition of the doctrines of the school in Samarāicca-kahä, Book III, in the dialogue between the Jaina teacher Vijayasimha and a Nästikavādin. Similarly, in a story in Vasudevahindi, Book IV, a king named Kurucandra is introduced as a Nàstikavādin, whose views are briefly described.' Jayanta says in Nyāyamañjari (chap. 4) that the Lokāyata is mere casuistry and not an authoritative system, as it does not inculcate any duty ;8 but he takes care to expound the tenets of the school at the beginning of Chap. 7, and towards the end of the same chapter calls the Cārvākas susikşita, well-trained, describing and refuting their views.
NAIYAYIKAS While enumerating the theories of salvation put forward by the different schools of thought, Somadeva does not refer to the Naiyāyikas, obviously because their view of mokṣa does not differ from that of the Vaiseșikas which is defined by him as the complete cessation of the specific attributes of the soul." Somadeva says: 'agagelegraag ayaHiF4/TTI aten CARTUCHTCAIUTEH Inftigfari' sfat FMCT: 1. With this may be compared the statement of Jayanta defining the Nyāya conception of salvation in Nyāyamañjari (Chap. 9): FATHTCHUATT glagagereglaga TAUHÉFAIRTOTI F a isqaraf i Hafati Jayanta goes on to say:
Eeltagerea atmeana Tani Roamnaatanlar defe ysadu
9 1 Terat aftermarsalarcade gastarfagra: aferents faecija: el Somadeva seems to refer to the Nyāya theory of salvation in a verse addressed to the Arhat in Yasastilako VIII. 39 (Vol. II, p. 396):
___खसुप्तदीपनिर्वाणे प्राकृते वा स्वयि स्फुटम् । खसुप्तदीपनिर्वाणं प्राकृतं स्थाजगत्रयम् ॥ The verse refers to three types of salvation: kha-nirvāna, sky-like salvation, supta-nirvana, sleep-like salvation, and dīpa-nirvana, salvation like the going out of a lamp. According to a marginal note in Ms. A, dipa-nirvāna refers to the Buddhist view; supta-nirvāņa to the Samkhya view (because, according to that system, the emancipated Self, although conscious, perceives nothing); and kha-nirvāna to the Nyāya view, because, as we have seen, the Naiyáyikas believe moksa to be a
1 P. 164 ff. ara .....care n fot .......* 2 'सो या राया णाहियवादी, 'इंदियसमागममेत्तं पुरिसकप्पणा, मज्जंगसमवार मयसंभव इव, न एत्तो परभवसंकमणससीलो
अस्थि, न सुकयदुकयफलं देवनेरइएसु कोह अणुभवईत्ति ववसिओ........" 3 न हि लोकायते किंचित् कर्तव्यमुपदिश्यते । वैतण्डिककथैवासौ न पुनः कश्चिदागमः।। 4 See proceding Chapter.
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