Apabhramsa works; but the Prakrit example of Dvipadi given in Hemacandra's Chandonusasana contains four feet; and the combined definition and example of the metre in the Prakṛta Paingala, although apparently given in two verses of two feet each (1. 152, 153), is taken by some to represent one verse of four feet.1 Somadeva's Sanskrit verses in the Dvipadi metre consist of four feet.
Mayaṇāvayara or Madanavatara is another Prakrit metre used by Somadeva in a group of lyrical verses, in Book V, which describe the Karahața country. Each foot of this metre consists of four ganas of five mātrās, as pointed out by Hemacandra in his Chandonusasana, Chap. 4. Nanditaḍhya in his Gathalakṣaṇa calls the metre Camdanana. The verses in question are cited below (p. 162 ) :
सस्य संपत्ति संक्षिप्तसीमाभुवः सवापीप्रपारामरम्योदयाः श्री विलासोत्सव स्खलितसुरसमितयः पिकवधूरुतमनोहारि सर्वर्तवः समरभर भागि भटभाववादोत्कटाः त्यागभोगप्रभावाद्भुतख्यातयः प्रवणशरणागतोद्धरण कुलकीर्तयः सुकृतफलभूमयो ग्रामविनिवेशिकाः
Prakrit metres are also used in the three lyrical panegyrics, two in honour of king Māradatta in Book I ( verses 175-212 ) and one in honour of the Arhat in Book VIII, section 37, consisting of 28 verses. Somadeva's scheme consists of an opening verse or verses in Arya metre which he calls Varna; one verse in Matra metre consisting of one line of 41 mātrās and
प्रचुरपथिकप्रियापणितपथिवस्तवः । पद्मिनीखण्डताण्डविततोयाशयाः । फुलफलपल्लवोल्ला सिवनवृत्तयः । सकल संसारसुख सेवितागन्तवः । खेलदुम्मद वृषोखात तटिनीतटाः । शुद्धवर्णाश्रमाचरितविगतेतयः सन्ति धर्मार्थकामेषु समनीतयः । कामिताचातिविजितामरोदेशकाः ॥
1 ' इदं च वृत्तं द्विपादमेव न चतुष्पाद, उदाहरणानुरोधादिति केचित् । अन्ये तु यदीदं द्विपादमेव तर्हि लक्षणं पादचतुष्टयेन कथं कृतमिति इदं चतुष्पादमेव, न चोदाहरण विरोधस्तस्य चरणद्वयेनापि संभवात्' । See Comm. on verse 154 in प्राकृतपैङ्गलम् (B.I.).
2 It will be seen that each verse has four feet and each foot twenty mätrās. Somadeva seems to follow Apabhramsa models. The metre is known also as Kaminimohana and occurs in the Apabhramśa poem Sardesarāsakca ( verses 82, 83, 85 ). For example, वयण णिसुणेवि मणमत्थसरवट्टिया, मयउसरमुक्क णं हरिणि उत्तट्ठिया । मुक्त दीउन्ह नीसास उससंतिया, पढिय इय गाह जिययणि वरसंतिया ॥ 83. The metre is discussed by Bhayani in his Introduction to the poem, p. 58, Singhi Jain Series, Bombay 1945. Samdesarāsaka has been attributed to the twelfth century A. D.
3 Edited by Prof. Velankar in ABORI, Vol. XIV, pp. 1-38.
4 There are five feet, and Somadeva's scheme is 15 +11+15+12 + 15. The Matr& is an Apabbramśa metre and employed in Samdesarāsaka ( verses 18, 19, 24, 25 etc ). In Apabhramsa poetry a Mātra verse is often followed by a Doha, and the whole is owlled Radda. The Prakṛta Paingala describes seven varieties of Radda, that is,
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