up the rice? Is not the king who is charmed by outward looks, like a libertine, ruined by his servants, like whores? (3. 135-6).
कोशोद्वासी प्रजाध्वंसी तम्रक्षोभविधायकः । यो विद्वेष्टा विशिष्टानां शत्रुर्मनिमिषादसौ ॥ An enemy he is in the guise of a minister, who empties the royal treasury, ruins the people, stirs up rebellion in the army, and does harn to the leading citizens (3. 138).
Mānadhanañjaya says:
नृपतिसुतः खलनिरतः सचिवजनो दुर्जनोऽधनः सुजनः । महतां मस्तकशूलं जातैश्वर्यः कदर्यश्च ॥ A prince devoted to villains and a wicked minister, and the virtuous poor, and the wealthy miser cause headache to the wise (3. 140).
Kavikovida dwells on the wiles of ministers:
यदीच्छसि वशीकर्तुं महीशं गुणय द्वयम् । बहुमायामयं वृत्तं चित्तं चाकरुणामयम् ॥ If you wish to bring a king under your control, cultivate two things, . an extremely deceitful character and a cruel heart (3. 142).
बहिरलधुरसप्रभवैरन्तःशून्यार्थपाटवैः सचिवैः । मुग्धमृगाः प्रतिदिवसं वज्यन्ते मरुमरीचिकाशकैः ॥ Like a mirage in a desert, the ministers daily deceive those (thirsty) deer, the simpletons. Outwardly they have charming manners, but inwardly they are good for nothing (3. 143).
___ कार्ये स्वस्याभिमते सचिवः सिद्धिं करोति हठवृत्त्या । नृपतिरयं बहुसचिवः के वयमत्रेति भाषतेऽन्यस्य ॥ A minister executes a task even by violent means when it serves his purpose. But when it serves the purpose of another, he simply says: The king has so many ministers; what authority have I ?' (3. 144).
Abhimāna-mahīdhara says: यद्यपि विधे न सुविधिः काम्येऽर्थे याच्यसे तथापीदम् । कुरु मरणं माकार्षीः सुजनानां दुर्जनः संगम् ॥ Albeit thou grantest not our desires, o Fate, we beg this favour of thee: inflict death upon us, but never cause the good to associate with villains (3. 148).
मन्त्रावसरे समरे विधुरे दारेषु वस्तुसारेषु । यो न व्यभिचरति नृपे स कथं तु न वल्लभस्तस्य ॥ He who is faithful to a king in deliberations, war and adversity, and in respect of his wife and treasures, is bound to be dear to him (3. 149).
Avyādhidurbala enumerates certain things that are not likely to happen:
क्षाराब्धौ सलिलस्य दुर्जनजने विद्याविनोदस्य च क्षुद्रे संभ्रमभाषितस्य कृपणे लक्ष्मीविलासस्य च ।
भूपे दुःसचिवागमस्य सुजने दारिद्यसंगस्य च ध्वंसः स्यादचिरेण यत्र दिवसे तं चिन्तयन् दुर्बलः ॥ I am tired of waiting for the day when the waters will forthwith cease to exist in the salt ocean, when villains will cease to profess love of learning, when mean fellows will cease to be addressed with respect, when misers
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