is nothing more than the sumtotal of the actions and desires of previous births.1
Arguing that all actions depend upon effort and not on passivity, the speaker goes on to show the futility of depending upon fate. Fate, for instance, is powerless to feed even a man who has food before him, but whose hands are tied. He who relies upon fate is bound to lose even the wealth he has acquired: fate never guards a traveller who carries with him a bundle of jewels, but falls asleep on the way.
नरस्य बद्धहस्तस्य पुरो भने कृतेऽपि यत् । अशक्तं मुखनिक्षेपे तद्दैवं कः समाश्रयेत् ॥ 3. 47. दैवावलम्बनवतः पुरुषस्य हस्तादासादितान्यपि धनानि भवन्ति दूरे ।
आनीय रत्ननिचयं पथि जातनिद्रे जागर्ति तत्र पथिके हि न जातु दैवम् ॥ 3. 49.
The minister then applies his theory to the policy to be followed by the king: विहाय पौरुषं यो हि दैवमेवविलम्बते । प्रासादसिंहवत्तस्य मूर्ध्नि तिष्ठन्ति वायसाः ॥
Crows perch on the head of one who abandons effort and depends upon fate, just as they do on the head of a sculptured lion in a palace (3. 50). तेजोहीने महीपाले स्वाः परे च विकुर्वते । निःशङ्कं हि न को धत्ते पदं भस्मन्यनूष्मणि ॥
When a king is devoid of vigour, both friend and foe prove disloyal. Who does not fearlessly tread on ashes that are cold? (3. 51).
अहंकारविहीनस्य किं विवेकेन भूभुजः । नरे कातरचित्ते हि कः स्यादत्रपरिग्रहः ॥
Intellect is of no use to a king who lacks in pride. A coward has no use for arms (3. 52).
हर्षोऽमर्षश्च नो यस्य धनाय निधनाय च । को विशेषो भवेद्राज्ञस्तस्य चित्रगतस्य च ॥
What difference is there between a living king and a painted one, when his favour brings not riches nor his wrath destruction? (3.53).
येषां बाहुबलं नास्ति येषां नास्ति मनोबलम् । तेषां चन्द्रबलं देव किं कुर्यादम्बरस्थितम् ॥ What, o king, can the power of the moon in the sky do for those who have no strength in their arms nor any strength of mind? (3. 54).
The speaker, therefore, appeals to the king to exert his valour and triumph over his enemies. He urges valiant action and a resolute attempt to expand the existing prosperity, and concludes by saying:
लब्धाप्यनन्यसामान्यसाहसं नायकं विना । लक्ष्मीर्न निर्भराश्लेषा प्रमदेव जरत्पतौ ॥
woman does not closely embrace her decrepit husband, similarly
Just as a
1 Cf. Matsyapurana 221. 2: auf The Jain Amitagati also identifies fate with the Karma of previous births, representing it as an all-powerful agency which none can escape. Subhāṣitaratnasamdoha, verses 343-374.
Cf. Bharavi 2. 20.
3 i. e. planetary influence.
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