vatthassa sedabhavo jaha nasedi malavimelaṇacchanno taha du kasayacchannam carittam hodi nadavvam वस्त्रस्य श्वेतभावो यथा नश्यति मलविमेलनाच्छन्नः ।
तथा तु कषायावच्छन्नं चारित्रं भवति ज्ञातव्यम् ॥ १५९ ॥
157, 158 and 159. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt, so let it be known that right faith is blurred by wrong belief. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt, so let it be known that right knowledge is, destroyed, when clouded by nescience. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt. so let it be known that right conduct becomes perverted when vitiated by soul-soiling passions.
Jain Education International
Faith. knowledge and conduct, so long as they are true constitute the path to mokşa. But when they are perverted by the influence of corresponding karmic materials, they get deflected from the right path dragging the Self to saṁsära. Thus the pure manifestations of the Self get destroyed by the influence of karmas just as a white cloth gets soiled by impurities.
सो सव्वणादरिसी कम्मरयेण णिएण भोच्छण्णो । ६ संसारसमावण्णो ण विजाणदि सव्वदो सव्वं ॥ १६०॥
so savvaṇāṇadarisi kammarayeņa niena occhanno saṁsārasamāvaṇno na vijāṇadi savvado savvam (160) स सर्वज्ञानदर्शी कर्मर नसा निजेनावच्छन्नः ।
संसारसमापन्नो न विजानाति सर्वतः सर्वं ॥ १६०॥
160. The Self who is by nature all-knowing and allperceiving when soiled by his own karmas is dragged on towards samsara the cycle of births and deaths, and becomes incapable of knowing all things completely.
सम्मत्तपडिणिबद्धं मिच्छत्तं जिणवरेहि परिकहियं । तस्सोदयेण जीवो मिच्छादिट्टित्ति णादव्वो ॥१६१॥
sammattapaḍinibaddham micchattam jiņavarehi parikahiyam tassodayena jivo micchaditthitti, nadavvo (161)
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