ween truth and propaganda. The problem we face today is how we can emerge from the threat of physical power and wars so that we do not all perish under atom bombs. Today, world peace is threatened with the existence of enough atomic and nuclear weapons to annihilate the whole human race. Hydrogen bombladen planes patrol the skies and inter-continental missiles are kept ready to kill millions. Thus mankind is exposed to a far greater threat to its existence than ever before. It faces the possibility of complete extinction.
Today there is not a balance of power but a balance of terror which maintains an uneasy peace. There cannot be an assurance of peace in the future unless both internal and external violence is eliminated. Gandhi had great faith, in spite of appearances to the contrary, that a period of peace and freedom is within the realm of the possible and within our reach. Men everywhere are thinking about a moral equivalent of war. Gandhi's non-violent non-cooperation offers that equivalent of war. Gandhi's major contribution to world peace is an attempt to put into practice nonviolent programmes for fighting evil. Gandhi's way of solving the problem of violence, internal and external, was to train a body of men and women who would have no internal tensions and would help to resolve tensions within society. Once tensions within society are reduced, Gandhi thought, international tensions would automatically diminish. Our so-called highly progressive modern scientific and technological civilization with its spectacular conquest of nature seems
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