The greatest problem we face today is how to create conditions for peaceful living. Many of the tensions that exist in the world today result from a lack of understanding of the feelings, needs, hopes and objectives of people and governments. Peace is a way of life which must be supported by a society's major institutions: educational, cultural, industrial and religious. Today if we would, in religion for example, entertain a sense of tolerance for the followers of other religions and treat all life as sacred, an era of peace and prosperity would be heralded in.
It is a well known fact that the present world is war weary that, while governments are preparing for war, their people not only do not want war but definitely want peace. Peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with conflict. Political ideologies divide the world to-day. Everyone is inclined to regard his own principles as wholly right and opposing ones as completely wrong. However, it is impossible to believe or to even really listen to what others say, if we are convinced that what we hold is absolutely true. We must be able to distinguish bet
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