Study of Civakacintamani
any means by which she could accomplish her desire. The parrot in a clear voice said, "Oh mother, what is gained by worrying ? If the object of your desire is in this world I can accomplish it for you.”) *** 14. The description of Jivandhara who was drawing the portrait of Guhamala sitting in the garden. Cc.
fitinan kili micait tilaka vā nutal vatta mál kalirritai veruvi ninratör natamu natuk kamu nankai vanname. 1
(He, with thoughts about her in mind, drew (the portrait of) the lady with the beautiful forehead adorned with tilaka in the pose he liked, the tremulous state and the eager look, when she stood in front of the elephant.)
... tatra kvacit pracchāyasitale mahitale nişanno vişannahrdayah svahşdayaniviştām tām bimboşthim bahir āniyera pratyak şayitukāmah tatkāminirūpam abhirū po'yam akhilakalāsu kvacid ativisankate prakațitatadavasthäm alikhar. 9
( He, who was skilled in all fine arts, with a dejected mind, sat under a cool shady tree, and as if desirous of bringing out and seeing the beauty of the red-lipped one who entered his heart, drew her portrait in the state (in which] he saw her, on a broad board.) 15. The description of the anger of Kāşthangāra on hearing that his state elephant Ašanivega was controlled by Jivandhara and as a result of that it was sick.
int alar kutļam põlav eriy elat tiruki nökkik kön taru kur umpar vem por kök kulam venrat ulli mantatil ceykai cūInta vānikan makanai valla antiran kaļaiven otip parrupu tammin enrān. 8
(Like a mass of fire and with a crooked look glowing like fire, (Kasthāngāra] thinking of the victory he (Civakan) had over opposing hunters and the group of kings, said "Capture that son of merchant, who is involved in base deeds and bring him to me. I will destroy his heroism.") Gc.
sa ca śabaracărubhațaśūra-gļhita-godhanapuntrānayana-prakațitaparakrama-pāļavā. hitena ni javäravāmalocanăvargāntarangibhavad-anangamálāngikaraṇaprarūdhena gandharvadattāparinayanasamayasam jätaparibhavaparinatena.. 4
(With his anger, which had been provoked by (Jivaka's) proclamation of his valour by retrieving the stolen cows from the army of clever hunters, increased by the
1 Cc v. 1003. 2 Gc, 4 : para 133, P, 206.
3 Cc. v. 1079. 4 Gc. 5 : para 144, p. 217,
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