The interaction of Sanskrit through Jainism
141 (Those who realise the fact that, Intiran who enjoys happiness and the capricious monkey are only enjoying the fruits of their karmas and those who do not praise lotiran because he is happy and despise the monkey because it is fickle, are people who understood the āgamas of the Lord (Jina).)
After explaining the nature of the people who understand the agamas of the lord Jina, the Caranan expounds the eight essentials of the right faith and the necessity of overcoming pride, to have the right faith.
uruvarp penal uvarpp inmaiy ulaiyāy in pan talāi nirral arivar cirappirkk etir virumpal alintor niruttal aram pakartal ciriyår inattuc carvinmai ciran kai vițutal cerukk avittal
iraivan arattulārkk ellām iniyar atal itu teliva 1
(The following are the results of understanding the scriptures and realising their truth : to be devoid of aversion, to have the desire to attend on great saints and to achieve liberation and honour the wise, to be ready to restore the fallen in the right path, to preach dharma to others, to avoid ignorant people, to destroy anger and pride, and to be friendly with co-religionists.)
Having explained the right faith, the Cāranan deals with the results of having the right faith. Tēvar borrows these ideas from Rk, and explains them.
Samyagdarśanasuddha närakatiryannapunsakastritvani /
duşkulavikytalpā yurdaridratām ca vrajanti nap yavratikāḥ 1/3 (The people whose minds are purified with the right faith will not observe vows. They will not be reborn in hells or as animals or as neuter or female sexes or in low families. They will also not have physical deformities or short lives or poverty.)
The Cāraṇan expounds this idea found in Rk. in the following lines of the Cc. :
ceriyac conna poru țeļintar cērär vilankir pennäkar kurukär narakam or a lum kil mnt tēvar kulān tingar
(People who had realised the facts explained above, i.e. about right faith, will neither be born in the animal world nor as a woman. They will neither go to any of the seven hells nor will take birth as any of the three kinds of devas.)
1 Cc. v. 2816 2 Rk. 35 3 Cc. v. 2817 4 The seven hells and their description and the details about the denizens in the hells are
explained in Ts, Chapter III,
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