Traverses op less trodden path...
Logical Jiants of Jainism such as Samantabhadra, 18 Akalapka, 14 Vidyānanda, 15 Prabhacandra, 16 Hemacandra, 1? Vadidevasūri, 18 Mallisena 19 and others have severely criticised the Advaitic theory of non-dual Brahman, doctrine of Maya and oneness of individual Souls (Eka jivavāda). Criticism of Advaitic conceptions are scatered in different Jaida works. A humble attempt has been made here to size them in to unity in a very condensed form.
Jajna thinkers argue that Advaitic doctrine of non-duality of Brahman and theory of Maya (i.e. illusory nature of the world) cannot be proved by any accredited means of knowledge. If it is provable by any means of knowledge then there is duality of Pramāna and Prameya20. Frist of all, existence of non-dual Brahman is contradicted by our perceptual experience. Perception reveals only the world of plurality. Daily experiences of duality or plurality of phenomena cannot be repudiated as false appearance or illusory, because this difference is clearly seen and felt. There is no proof against this duality or plurality which is cognised in our normal experience. Where is contradiction in saying that potter fashions a pot with his sticks and eats his food with his own hand. The difference (such as potter and his actions) between agent and action is even known by the ordinary people. 9 i If Advaitic view of non-dual Brahman is accepted, then, the difference observed between the agent and the action cannot be possible. 22 The standpoint of the Advaitin's that
13. Aptamīmamsā 24-27. Ed. Pt. Gajadharlal Jain. Pub. : Bharatiya Jaina Siddhanta
Prakasini Sanstha, Benares. 1914. 14. S. V. II; p. 463-468; 494, 677, 678. 15. (a) Astasahasri, ed. Vansidhar, Pub. Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 1915, p. 157-163. (b) Tattvärtha slokavārtika, Ed. : Manoharlal Shastri, Pub : Nirnayasagar Press
Bombay, 1918. p, 25-26. (c) Satyaśāsanaparīkņā, Pub. : Bharatiya Jnanapitha, Kasi, 1964, p. 1-9. 16. Nyāyakumudacandra part-I, p. 63-64; 147-155, Part II, p. 808, 812, 830-838, ed,
Mahendrakurrar Shastri, Pub. Manjkcandra Jaina Granthamala, Bombay, 1938.
and 1941. 17. Anyayoga vyavacchedikā with Syadvadamañjari-13. Ed. Jagdiscandra Jain, Pub :
Ravajibhai Chaganbhai Desai, Srimadrajachandrasrama, Agas, 1970. 18. P. N. T. 1-15, VII. 13-17 and 56. 19. Syadvādamañjari, ed. A. B. Dhruva, Pub : Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series,
1933. p. 77-83. 20, S. S, P. p. 7. 21. A. S. p. 158. 22. (a) Tattvārtharā javārtika, Pub. : Bharatiya Joana Pitha, Kasi, 1953. p. 21.
(b A. M. 24 ( CA. S, P, 158,
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